(John Cassel - Christian Cassel - William Cassell - Joseph Cassell)
Joseph Cassell was born in 1817 in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. He spent his early life on his familys farm there. Joseph and his brothers started helping their father on the farm at an early age. As young boys, they learned to swing an ax, cradle and scythe which were the principle farm implements during that time. Whenever possible during the winter season, Joseph and his brothers attended the local school which was held in a log cabin and did their lessons on a slab bench.
Joseph and his brother, Augustus traveled to the wilderness of Putnam County, Illinois during the Black Hawk War of 1832. They liked it so well that they decided to stay and were considered two of the first settlers of Putnam County in 1833. Augustus was to be married, so they returned to their homes in Pennsylvania.
Joseph married Sarah Lynch on February 12, 1835 in the Salem Lutheran Church in Lebanon Pennsylvania. In the summer of 1836, after the birth of their son, George Edwin, Joseph and Sarah joined his brothers Augustus and Christian in traveling back to Putnam County, Illinois where they became two of the first settlers in the new village of Florid. Florid was established in December of 1835 and was located several miles south of Hennepin, Illinois. Only one man, had settled there before them. Near the village was Fort Cribs which was used as a block house against Indian attacks. Their brother Berry joined them in 1838. Berry liked Putnam County so well that he convinced their parents join them in Illinois. By 1845, all of Josephs six brothers, his parents and all of his living sisters were living in Illinois.
Joseph worked as a blacksmith in Florid for about 15 years. Joseph and Sara had five children. George Edwin was born in 1836. Esther was born in 1838. Calvin was born in 1839. Philip Augustus was born in 1844 and Ephriam was born on August 20, 1841. Sara unfortunately passed away shortly after Philip's birth, leaving Joseph with four small children.
Joseph married Laura Bosley on May 21, 1846 in Putnam County. They were married by Josephs brother, Augustus Cassell, who was Justice of the Peace. Joseph and Laura had 3 children. Sarah was born in 1847. Emma was born in 1848 and Mary Jean was born in 1850. In 1850, he purchased a farm on Section 22 of Hennepin Township. Joseph made a living farming for many years. Jospeh was faithful member of the Lutheran church. He was the Florid school director for 12 years and a road master for 13 years. His wife Laura died suddenly from heart failure in 1880. Shortly after that Joseph retired from farming and moved to the village of Florid.
Joseph's health began to fail about 10 years before his death. In 1881, he was confined to his bed for nearly 2 months because of an illness. In 1883, Joseph traveled to Decatur, Illinois where his brothers, Berry, Michael and John lived. There he met his future wife, Kate Chambers. Joseph and Katherine Dingman Chambers were married on February 17, 1883 in Decatur, Illinois by his brother-in-law, Thomas B. Albert.. After their marriage, Joseph returned to Florid, where he had a new home built for his new wife. Joseph continued to live out the rest of his life in the village of Florid.. Joseph died at his home on March 4, 1891. He was buried in the Florid cemetery in the family plot.
Sara Ann Lynch was born on May 16, 1818 in Lebanon County, Pennsylvania. She grew up in Annville, Pennsylvania. Sara married Joseph Cassell on February 12, 1835. The next year, Sara and Joseph moved to Putnam county, Illinois. They settled in the village of Florid, where Joseph worked as a blacksmith. Sara and Joseph had five children - George, Esther, Ephriam, Calvin and Philip Austustus. Unfortunately Sara died of "bilious fever" shortly after her youngest son's birth on September 16, 1844. After her death, Sara was laid to rest in the Florid cemetery.
(John Cassel - Christian Cassel - William Cassell - Joseph Cassell - George)
George Edwin Cassell (1836 - 1850)
George Edwin Cassell was born in the spring of 1836 in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. When he was still a baby, his family moved to Florid, Putnam County, Illinois. George spent his short life in Florid. His cause of death in 1850 was listed as "inflammation of the brain". After his death, George was buried in the Florid cemetery.
(John Cassel - Christian Cassel - William Cassell - Joseph Cassell - Esther Gardner)
Esther or Hester Cassell (1838 - ?)
Esther was born in Florid, Putnam County, Illinois in 1838. When she was just 6 years old, her mother died and her father remarried the next year. Her father worked as a blacksmith in Florid until 1850 when he bought a farm outside of Florid. Esther grew to adulthood on the farm.
By 1858, Esther was married to James Gardner and living in or near Granville, Illinois. They had at least seven children - Rebecca, Beulah, Kate, Phillip T., Sallly , Hester and William. Sometime before 1870, Esther and family moved to Black Lick, Burrell Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. They were still living there in 1880. According to the Probate Records for her father's estate, Esther was still alive in 1891. However, by 1905, when her Uncle Henry Cassell's will was written, she was no longer living. Nothing else is known at this time.
According to the Probate Records for the estate of Henry Cassell: In 1907 Rebecca Gardner was married to a man named McDowell and living in Pittsburg, PA. Beulah was living in Black Lick, PA. Kate was married to a Miller and living in Lima, Ohio. P. T. was living in Cleburn, Texas and Salley was married to a Holms and living in Superior Wisconsin. There was no Hester mentioned.
(John Cassel - Christian Cassel - William Cassell - Joseph Cassell - Calvin)
Calvin Cassell was born in Florid, Putnam County, Illinois in 1839. When he was just 5years old, his mother died and his father remarried the next year. Calvin's father worked as a blacksmith in Florid until 1850 when he bought a farm outside of Florid. Calvin grew to adulthood on the farm. As Calvin and his brothers grew older, they helped their father farm their land. Calvin fought during the civil war. He served three months as First Sergeant in 69th IL Infantry, Company D, and was mustered into service June 14, 1862. He then re-enlisted in May of 1864 and served as First Lieutenant in the 139th IL Infantry, Co. B.
The 139th IL Infantry, Co. B was mustered into service as a 100 day Regiment, at Peoria, IL, June 1, 1864. Regiment remainded at Cairo until September 25, 1864, then moved to Peoria, IL to be mustered out. However, General Price, with a large rebel force was marching towards St. Louis, and there were not enough troops to defend it. President Lincoln sent a request to Colonal Davison requesting him to march to St. Louis. Even though, their time had been served, the men were ready to go. For this prompt response, President Lincoln wrote a letter to the men, expressing his thanks and commending them for their patriotism. Along with several other troops, the 139th regiment marched against General Price. Price retreated and having driven him to a remote part of the state, the regiment moved to Peoria. It was mustered out of October 25, 1864, having been in service nearly 5 months.
Calvin was again re-enlisted in the 20th IL Infantry, Company H but he was discharged because of a disability. After the war, Calvin returned to Putnam County. He married Elizabeth Bosley in 1867 in Putnam County. They had 7 children - William, Joseph, John, Etta May, Guy, Earl, and Ray. Joseph and John died in childhood. Sometime between 1876 and 1880, Calvin and his family moved to Steel City, Nebraska. Calvin continued living there the remainder of his life, where he made a living farming.
In November of 1890, Calvin went to Chicago for surgery to have a sore removed that had originated from an ulcerated tooth. He survived the first surgery but began to have trouble with his eye. Because of this, the doctors felt a second surgery was necessary and Calvin died on the operating table. His body was brought back to Steel City, Nebraska for internment.
(John Cassel - Christian Cassel - William Cassell - Joseph Cassell - Ephriam)
"Eph" Cassell (1841 - 1919)
Eph Cassell was born on August 20, 1841 in the village of Florid, Putnam County, Illinois. The first few years of his life were spent in Florid where his father worked as a blacksmith. When Eph was three years old, his mother died. His father remarried the following year. In 1850, his father bought a farm outside of Florid and Eph spent the remainder of his childhood on the farm. As Eph and his brothers grew older, they helped their father farm their land.
At the age of 20, Eph enlisted in the Army during the Civil War. He served from 1861 to 1865 with the 20th IL Infantry, Company H.
May 14, 1861, organized and went into camp at Joliet, Illinois. ......... November 6, 1863, to February 4, 1864, in camp at Big Black River, during which time a majority of those composing the Regiment re-enlisted of three years longer. ....... March 2-22, 1864, those who had re-enlisted were en route by river and rail to Springfield, Ill., to take veteran furlough. ....... July 21-22, 1864, engaged in battles in front of Atlanta, Ga., being in First Brigade, Third Division, Seventeenth Army Corps, on extreme left flank of the army. Many of the Regiment were surrounded and captured in the battle of July 22, 1864. ..... July 16, 1865, mustered out of the service at Louisville, Ky. Moved in a body from Louisville, Ky., by rail to Chicago, Ill. July 24, 1865, received final pay at Chicago, Ill., and disbanded. (Abstracted From the Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Illinois: 1900-1902)
Eph would later tell his grandchildren the story about being wounded while they were marching. He stated that he fell and one buddy said "There goes old Eph." Eph said "I just though - "There don't go old Eph", and I tried to get up. Some of the buddies carried my things and others helped me." Then he stated "And by heck, I lived, and here I am - your Grandpa!" Eph was taken prisoner of war and was at Andersonville and Florence for about three months. He would tell his grandchildren many stories of the cruel treatment in the prison. A large picture of the prison hung in the living room and his grandchildren would stand for hours looking at it - hopint that certain ones were not "Grandpa".
After the war, Eph returned to Putnam county. On September 26, 1867, he married Sara Alleman. They had eight children and adopted one daughter. They were Adah, Joseph H., Orley Reuben, Archie Ephriam, Vernon Gardner, Jessie Grace, George Lynch, and Addie Susan "Sudie". Their adopted daughter was Margaret. Jessie Grace, George Lynch, Sudie and Adah died in childhood.
After their marriage, Eph and Sara settled on a farm northwest of Florid in Putnam County, Illinois. In 1872, they moved to Earlton, Kansas, but returned to Florid, Illinois the following year. Eph was always interested in education and was elected for at least two terms on the Florid school board during the 1880's. In March of 1885, Eph sold his land to John Galligher and moved to Nebraska, along with his wife and three sons. He lived with his brother Calvin, who had already moved there, for a few months in Steel City, Nebraska before moving on to Republican City, Nebraska.
October 23, 1885, Eph bought the homestead rights for 160 acres from the original homesteader, Fred and Martha Roberts in Pennington County, Territory of Dakota. This was in the southwest corner of Mullally township, Nebraska, near Republican City. He paid approximately $7.25 an acre. At first, Eph and Sara lived in a sod house. Around 1890 they built a 5-room frame house. A kitchen and porch was added to the home later on. His sons Vernon and Archie went somewhere northeast with a pony and a two-wheeled cart and brought back cedar trees to set out in the yard. Later on, Eph purchased an additional 160 acres.
Eph continued to farm near Republican City, Nebraska until December of 1902. After he retired, he lived with his son Joseph for a while, then moved to Republican City in 1904. Eph purchased the house at the foot of what was known as "School House Hill" and lived there the remainder of his life.
Eph was always telling his grandchildren "tall tales". One was that after the Civil war, he had to have a wooden leg. Sara would get provoked and say "Oh Eph, why do you tell such things!" She would give her grandchildren pins to stick in the "wooden leg". Eph would say that it was just wood down the front and even tolerated the pins sticking in for a while until he could think of something differnet for his grandchildren to do.
Eph continued to keep in touch with friends and family in Illinois and visited relatives in Florid, Illinois many times during the following years. In September of 1917, Eph and Sara celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at their home in Nebraska with all of their children and grandchildren present. Eph's last visit to Putnam county was in December of 1917. He died two years later at his home on April 30, 1919. At the time of his death, he had 11 grandchildren. After his death, Eph was buried in the Cedar Grove Cemetery, Republican City, Nebraska.
(John Cassel - Christian Cassel - William Cassell - Joseph Cassell - Philip)
Philip Augustus Cassell (1844-1906?)
Phillip Augustus Cassell was born in 1844 in in small village of Florid, Illinois. Shortly after his birth, his mother died and his father remarried. When Phillip was 6 years old, his father bought a farm in Hennepin Township. Philip grew up on the family farm, helping his father as he grew older.
Philip married Sara Cramer in 1863 in Putnam County, Illinois. Philip and Sara spent the first years of their married life on a farm west of Florid, Illinois. They adopted one child, a daughter named Grace, who was born in 1881. Philip sold his farm in August 1899. In 1900, Philip moved his family to California where they eventually settled in Pomona, California. Philip's wife died in 1904. Philip was alive when his Uncle Henry Cassell's will was written in 1905 but had died before his uncle's death in 1907.
Laura Bosley was born December 4, 1817 in Ohio. Nothing is known of Laura's childhood. Laura married Joseph Cassell on May 21, 1846 in Putnam County, Illinois. Along with a new husband, Laura became mother to Josephs five children. Laura and Joseph settled in Florid, Illinois, where Joseph made a living as a blacksmith. Laura and Joseph had three daughters, Sara, Emma and Mary Jean. In 1850, Joseph bought a farm on Section 22 of Hennepin Township. Laura and Joseph spent the remainder of their married life on the farm. Lauras death was sudden and unexpected. Earlier that day her health had been fine and she had even been out to look at the fruit in the orchard. She died suddenly of heart failure on Wednesday evening, October 11, 1880. After her death, she was laid to rest in the Florid cemetery.
(John Cassell - Christian Cassell - William Cassell - Joseph Cassell - Sara)
Sara Ann Cassell (1845 - 1871)
(John Cassell - Christian Cassell - William Cassell - Joseph Cassell - Emma)
Emma Cassell was born in 1848 in Florid, Putnam County, Illinois. From the time of her birth, Emma was mentally handicapped and had to be cared for. Emma remained at home until after her father's death in 1890. By 1907, she had been moved to Nebraska (probably to be closer to her brothers) and was under the care of John Pernie in Custer county, Nebraska. Nothing else is known at this time.
(John Cassell - Christian Cassell - William Cassell - Joseph Cassell - Jennie Youngdale)
Mary Jean "Jennie" Cassell (1850 - 1906)
Jennie Cassell was born about 1850 near Florid, Putnam County, Illinois. She spent her childhood on a farm near Florid. Jenny married Harry M. Barnett in December 1871 in Putnam County, Illinois. They had one child, Philip A., who was born in 1873. By 1880, Jennie was divorced and once again living with her parents. Sometime between 1880 and 1905, Jennie married a man named Youngdale and moved to Nebraska. She died on January 30, 1906 in Stanford, Nebraska.
Katherine "Kate" Dingman (1831-?)
Kate Dingman was born in October of 1831 in New York. Nothing is known about Kate's childhood or early life. She married James Chambers sometime before1864. They had four children. Two of the children died in childhood. The other children were Alice and Walter. In 1864, Kate and James were living in Canada. By 1870, they had moved to Niantic,, Illinois. Her husband died sometime before 1880 and Kate ran a boarding house in Decatur, Illinois.
Kate married Joseph Cassell on February 17, 1883 at her home in Decatur, Illinois. After her marriage, Kate moved to Joseph's home in Florid, Illinois, which is a small village 4 miles south-east of Hennepin in Putnam County. Her husband died in 1891. Kate remained in Florid until at least 1900.
Walter Chambers (1864-?)
Walter Chambers was born in 1861 in Canada. By 1870, his family had moved to Decatur, Illinois. Walter's father died sometime before 1880 and his mother ran a boarding house in Decatur. In 1883, his mother married Joseph Cassell and moved the family to his stepfather's home in Florid, Putnam County, Illinois. Walter continued living there until sometime after 1887. Between 1887 and 1897, Walter married and had a son. In August of 1897 he was living on a farm at Cotton Hill near Springfield in Sangamon County, Illinois. Nothing else is known at this time.
Alice Chambers (1871 - ?)
Alice Chambers was born in Macon County, Illinios in 1871. She spent the first few years of her life in Decatur, Illinois. Her father died sometime before 1880. In 1883, her mother married Joseph Cassell and the family moved to her stepfather's home in Florid, Illinois. Alice grew up in the village of Florid.
On December 22, 1887, she married James Chance at her home in Florid, Illinois. Alice and James had at least two children, Ethel and Mabel. In 1901, Alice and James moved to Louisianna. They returned to Illinois in 1902. Nothing else is known at this time.