Lillian Edith Beck (1886-1965)

Lillian (Lillie) Beck was born September 15, 1886 near the little village of Florid, Illinois (4 miles south of Hennepin in Putnam County). Lillie’s father worked as a farm hand and Lillie sent the first few years of her life on a farm near a place called Sprinkleburg, which was found in Section 31 of Hennepin Township, Putnam County, Illinois.  Lillie’s half-brothers, Robert and John (from her mother’s first marriage) were a lot older and had married just a few years after her birth. When Lillie was 5 years old, her brother John’s wife died and her nephew “Little Rob” came to live with Lillie and her parents. Little Rob was just a year younger than Lillie so they grew up together. They both attended a little county school called Sprinkleburg School. When Lillie was about 12 years old, her family moved to the village of Florid.

Lillie’s family continued living in Florid the remainder of her childhood. Her father had bought some property in 1906 and had built a small yellow house on it.  Lillie married Albert Daily on March 20, 1907 in her parents home in Florid Illinois.  They were married by clergyman O. M. Snyder. Lillie and Albert  had six children, Ray, Alberta (Berty), Lillian (Bernice), Haroll, Darena and Lorraine (Babe.)

Lillie and Albert lived with her parents for the first 3 years of their married life, while Albert worked for Ed Reynolds farming “the bottoms”.  Sometime before 1910, Lillie and Albert joined her brother John in Peoria. Lillie's father Joseph had a severe stroke in July of 1912 and Lillie and Albert moved in with Harry Clemens at Todd's Point to be closer to her parents.. By 1914, Lillie and her family had moved by boat back to Peoria and Albert went to work in a factory there.

In September of 1914,  Lillie's father had another severe stroke. Since Lillie's mother Rose had fallen earlier that year and broken her wrist, she could no longer care for Lillie's father. On September 26, 1914, Lillie and her family moved in with her parents so that they could care for them.  Lillie's father had a last and final stroke on February 15, 1915. He died 4 days later. Lillie and Albert stayed with her mother until the summer of 1915. They spent the summer taking care of Robert Dinkey's house but then moved back in with her mother at the end of August.

In 1918, Lillie and her family moved to the country 4 miles outside of Florid to a farm owned by Albert's boss, George Breneman. The old house had no well and they had to walk a half mile to the neighbors for water until the well was dug. In 1925, Lillie and her family moved to a house outside of Florid owned by Peter Stoens. Lillie remained very close to her mother, Rose and stayed nearby until her death in 1928. Lillie and Albert then moved to Putnam, Illinois in 1929.

Lillie and her family lived in "The Oxbow" near Magnolia from 1931 to 1934. By 1935, they had moved to McNabb. Her son Haroll and his new wife lived with them. It was here in McNabb, that Lillie lost her husband, Albert. He was cutting brush along the road when he caught pneumonia and died shortly later on March 14, 1935.  Lillie lived with her son Haroll and his wife Dorothy in McNabb during 1936. By 1938, Haroll had moved back to Florid, Illinois but Lillie continued living in McNabb.

By 1939, Lillie had moved back in with her son Haroll in Florid. She continued living with him until about 1961. She then lived with her daughter Bertie until Bertie could no longer care for her. She was placed in a nursing home in Washburn for a very short time then went to live with daughter Babe in Polo. Lillie stayed with her daughter Babe until her death in Ogle County, Illinois on August 18, 1965. She was buried beside her husband in Florid, Illinois.

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