Descendants of Samuel C. Smith and Sophia Bear

1. Samuel C.2 Smith (Clinesmith1) was born Abt. 1801 in Pennsylvania, and died Bet. 1850 - 1860 in Illinois. He married Sophia Bear Bef. 1822 in Pennsylvania, daughter of John Bear and Maria Catharine. She was born March 19, 1803 in Pennsylvania, and died November 20, 1881 in Ford County, Illinois.

Notes for Samuel C. Smith:
Moved to Putnam County about 1836

More About Samuel C. Smith:

1850 Occupation: 1850, Farmer

1850 Residence: Putnam County, Illinois

Burial: Probably Florid cemetery, Florid, Putnam Co IL

More About Sophia Bear:

1860 Occupation: Weaving Carpets

1860 Residence: Hennepin Twp, Putnam Co IL

1870 Occupation: Carpet Weaver

1870 Residence: Hennepin Twp, Putnam Co IL

1880 Census Fact: Last name listed as Clinesmith

1880 Residence: Living with daughter Sarah Henderson, Brenton Twp, Ford Co IL

Burial: Florid cemtery, Florid, IL

Children of Samuel Smith and Sophia Bear are:

2 i. Elizabeth K.3 Smith, born August 04, 1822 in Pennsylvania; died May 07, 1888 in Florid, Putnam Co. Il. She married Christian Cassell February 18, 1841 in Putnam Co. IL; born October 21, 1820 in Dauphin Co. Pa; died February 04, 1882 in Florid, Putnam Co. Il.

Notes for Elizabeth K. Smith:

A sudden death occurred in Florid last Monday. Mrs. Elizabeth Cassell, widow of the late Christian Cassell, brother of Judge Cassell, fell dead while walking cross the floor. She had a stroke of paralysis a year or two ago, but had so far recovered that she was able to get about the house and seemed to be in her usual health the day of her death. She was about 63 years old.

Notes for Christian Cassell:

Confirmed at Jerusalem Lutheran Church, Annville, PA on October 1, 1836, age 18

TAKEN FROM THE PUTNAM RECORD Cottage Hill, February 9, 1882

Died on January 31, 1882, a babe six weeks old of Simon Beck's and as I write the friends are moving to pay the last sad rites to Christian Cassell of Florid.

Hennepin, February 9, 1882

Died at his home in Florid on February 4, 1882, Christian Cassell, brother of Judge Cassell, age 61 years. His wife of 42 years and six of their seven children survive. The funeral took place at Florid last Monday, Reverend J.W. Denning of Florid conducting the service.



Chris Cassell, age 60, died in Florid on Sunday, 5th. He was a brother to Judge Cassell and consequently an uncle to A.K. Cassell of Henry.

Taken From The Decatur Review February 6, 1882

Berry H, John, Henry and Michael Cassell and Squire Albert left the city this morning for Florid, Putnam County, to attend the funeral of Mr. Christian Cassell, a former resident of Decatur, who died yesterday. They will return tomorrow.

Marriage Notes for Elizabeth Smith and Christian Cassell:


Early Marriages in Putnam County

Christian L. Cassell and Elizabeth C. Smith, February 18, 1841 by Augustus Cassell


3 ii. Orange Hezekial C. Smith, born February 04, 1828 in Franklin County, Pennsylvania; died February 26, 1912 in Hutchinson, Reno County, Kansas. He married Anna Eliza Agnew July 04, 1854 in Bureau County, Illinois; born Abt. 1835 in Illinois; died Bet. 1900 - 1910 in Probably Kansas.

Notes for Orange Hezekial C. Smith:
Death of O. H. Smith - End came at Home of His Son, A. C. Smith.

Orange H. Smith, 84 years of age, died at the home of his son, A. C. Smith at 406 Sherman west, last night. Old age was the cause. The funeral arrangements for Mr. Smith will not be made until work is received from other relatives.

The Hutchinson News Hutchinson, Reno County, Kansas Monday, February 26, 1912 page - 9 *** column - 4

More About Orange Hezekial C. Smith:

1870 Occupation: Farmer

1870 Residence: Hennepin Twp, Putnam Co IL

1880 Occupation: Farmer

1880 Residence: Branch Twp, Marion Co Kansas

1900 Occupation: Veterinary Surgeon

1900 Residence: Newton, Harvey Co, Kansas

1910 Census Fact: Living with daughter and widower

1910 Residence: Hutchinson, Reno County, Kansas

Burial: East Side Cemetery Hutchinson, Reno County, Kansas

Notes for Anna Eliza Agnew:

Matthew and Anna Agnew family in Bureau Co., IL

More About Anna Eliza Agnew:

1900 Census Fact: Four children born, 3 children living


4 iii. Lewis T. Smith, born Abt. 1833 in Pennsylvania; died June 20, 1898 in Putnam Co. IL. He married Adaline A. Bef. 1859 in Illinois; born Bet. May 1832 - 1834 in New Jersey; died 1909 in Putnam Co. IL.

More About Lewis T. Smith:
1860 Occupation: Day Laborer

1860 Residence: Hennepin Twp, Putnam Co IL

1880 Occupation: Farmer

1880 Residence: Hennepin Twp, Putnam Co IL

Burial: Florid cemtery, Florid, IL

More About Adaline A.:

1900 Census Fact: Six children born, 5 children living

1900 Residence: Hennepin Twp, Putnam Co IL

Burial: Florid cemtery, Florid, IL


5 iv. Mariah Louisa Smith, born Abt. 1837 in Pennsylvania; died Aft. 1880 in Possibly Vermont. She married James T. Sprague Bet. August - September 1855 in Putnam County, Illinois; born Abt. 1830 in Vermont; died Aft. 1880 in Possibly Vermont.

Notes for Mariah Louisa Smith:
Possible marriage

Sprague J. T. Smith Marie L. C. 908 AUG-SEP 1855

More About James T. Sprague:

1860 Census Fact: Living next to mother-in-law Sophia Smith

1860 Occupation: Constable

1860 Residence: Florid, Hennepin Twp, Putnam Co IL

1870 Occupation: Carpenter

1870 Residence: Florid, Hennepin Twp, Putnam Co IL

1880 Census Fact: Paralysis

1880 Occupation: Laborer

1880 Residence: Stratton Twp, Windham Co Vermont


6 v. Sophia Smith, born Abt. 1840 in Illinois.

More About Sophia Smith:

1860 Occupation: Domestic servant for Eli Raley

1860 Residence: Granville Twp, Putnam Co IL


7 vi. Mary C. Smith, born Abt. 1842 in Illinois.


8 vii. John C. Smith, born June 1844 in Illinois; died Bet. 1910 - 1917 in Kansas. He married Rose C. Bef. 1885 in Kansas; born August 1845 in Vermont; died Aft. January 01, 1916 in Kansas.

More About John C. Smith:
1860 Census Fact: Working for uncle Rudolph Bear

1860 Occupation: Farm laborer

1860 Residence: Hennepin Twp, Putnam Co IL

1870 Census Fact: Working for James H. Moore

1870 Occupation: Farm hand

1870 Residence: Granville Twp, Putnam Co IL

1885 Residence: Logan Twp, Dickinson Co Kansas

1900 Occupation: Farmer

1900 Residence: Newbern, Dickinson Co Kansas

1910 Occupation: Farmer

1910 Residence: Newbern, Dickinson Co Kansas

Notes for Rose C.:

Filed for a widow's pension Jan. 15, 1916


9 viii. Sarah Anne Smith, born Abt. 1847 in Illinois; died October 07, 1921 in Solomon, Kansas. She married Isaac Henderson December 08, 1864 in Florid, Putnam Co IL; born August 19, 1839 in Uniontown, Dundbar Twp, Fayette Co. PA; died June 19, 1919 in Solomon, Kansas.

More About Sarah Anne Smith:
1920 Residence: Lincoln Twp, Dickinson Co Kansas

Burial: Prairie Mound cemetery, Solomon Kansas

More About Isaac Henderson:

1870 Occupation: Farmer

1870 Residence: Douglas Twp, Iroquois Co IL

1880 Occupation: Farmer

1880 Residence: Brenton Twp, Ford Co IL

1910 Occupation: Farmer

1910 Residence: Lincoln Twp, Dickinson Co Kansas

Burial: Prairie Mound cemetery, Solomon Kansas