May 22, 1857
Married on the 19th inst. by Rev. C. Cross, Mr. W. W. Reynolds to Miss Margaret E. Allen, all of this county.
Our thanks to the happy pair for the cake. Mr. Reynolds has finally been served with an attachment. Forced into court and a jury of his own choosing has pronounced the verdict. It is not for a man to be alone. The execution has been served, the following return made thereof: Serve the within, the defendant delivers himself upon the most suitable property. Execution satisfied. A long life and a blissfull one for both plaintiff and defendant.
March 26, 1858
Mr. William Allen has for sale a large number of superior grape vines.
JUNE 1, 1872
William Allen's team, while on the road to Princeton last Saturday, loaded with furniture belonging to Andrew Hartenbower, escaped from the driver and turned the wagon over, doing considerable damage to the furniture. The horses ran into the creek, near the Bureau Valley Mills, where the accident happened, and but for timely assistance both would have drowned.
December 12, 1873
Last week, William Allen of this place, shipped a hog to Chicago which weighed 720 pounds and now D.J. Leach comes with one that weighs 730 pounds.
October 30, 1874
William Allen, son-in-law of Mr. Durley of this place, has gone to Iowa to take up his residence .
November 13, 1874
William Allen has sold to Elsie Rouseu 600 acres of timberland on the west side of the river. Mr. Rouseu intends cutting a large quantity of the wood from it this winter, which will make choppers in demand
William A. Allen, who has been living at New Windsor for some time, has returned to Putnam County and will go into the business of farming.
William Allen came out this week with a fine new buggy of A.V. Spears make. It was awarded the first premium of our fair last fall and is an extra fine vehicle.
Thursday, April 5, 1877
Born near Stawn's church, Putnam county, March 26, a daughter to William and Emily Allen, and granddaughter to Matt Durley.
Taken from the Tonica News
April 13, 1878
W. W. Reynolds has a carpet exhibitor. He reports a brisk trade for the past week.
S. L. Eberly, dealer in musical merchandise, sewing machines, & C., is fitting up his store in fine fashion. Next week he will commence business with a partner, Mr. H. Harwood, from Mendota, when the new firm will put in stock of goods that will open the eyes of people in this section.
July 2, 1880
William Allen on Hennepin Prairie met with an accident last Sunday. He was on top of a stepladder arranging some fruit that was being dried on a shed and just as he had taken one step of his descent, the ladder fell and Mr. A. was thrown to the ground with considerable force, sustaining some pretty serious bruises, although he escaped without any broken bones.
Cottage Hill, September 3, 1880
Friend Lippard had a horse killed by lightening in the pasteur, the bolt striking it about the head and running down a front leg and taking off a foot. Last Saturday it struck the fence near the home of Jas. Allen, felling Mrs. Owen Allen to the ground and shocking other members of the family.
Friday, Feb. 11, 1881
Josiah Umbarger of Chatsworth has been visiting friends and relatives here the past week. Jo said he did not know why that several persons took him for a preacher. He says he does not plead guilty.
Mrs. O.W. Allen is improving.
November 2, 1882
Died in Ford County, while on a visit October 26, 1882, James Allen of Cottage Hill, age 72 years. Mr. Allen was a resident of Putnam County since 1846 coming from Pennsylvania. A few weeks ago, Mr. and Mrs. Allen went to Ford County to visit their children. While there, the grim messenger came. His death was quite sudden, coming while sitting in a chair. The remains were deposited in the Florid Cemetery on Saturday, the services being held at the church in Florid, conducted by Reverend J.W. Denning.
Florid, November 3, 1882
Jimmy Allen of Cottage Hill died at his son-in-laws, Joshua Umbarger in Ford County on October 26, age near 73 years. He was buried in the Florid cemetery last Saturday.
February 22, 1883
Owen Allen has bought the old Thomas Allen farm at 71 dollars per acre. This place is near the Moses Dugan Farm.
July 10, 1884
Little son of C.A. Chance fell from his windmill tower on the 4th, breaking one of the bones of one arm and cutting his head severly. Dr. Stall was called and attended the little suffereer. - Cottage Hill Item.
August 6, 1885
Aunt Rose Allen of Cottage Hill missed her footing one day of last week and falling across a lounge, has not been able to sit up much since.
Mineral Springs, Thursday, May 13, 1886
Mrs. C.A. Chance who has been very sick, at this writing is failing very fast.
Mineral Springs, Thursday, May 27, 1886
Mrs. C.A. Chance is still hovering on this side of the dark river. She is gradually failing and can not last long.
May 27, 1886
Mrs. Nellie Chance of Cottage Hill seems to be slowly tending to the tomb.
Mineral Springs, July 22, 1886
Mrs. C.A. Chance is growing more feeble as time passes. She seems to be slowly wasting away.
Mineral Springs, July 29, 1886
Mrs. C.A. Chance, who has been so long a sufferer, died on the 22nd, at 10:00 A.M. Feneral services and internment at Florid on Saturday. Mrs. C. leaves six small children, the youngest less than a year old. She was a most estimable woman.
July 29, 1886
Mrs. Nellie Chance departed this life in the 32 year of her age. She leaves a husband and six children to battle the cold charities of the world. She was buried in Florid, Reverend James of Magnolia officiating.
February 24, 1887
Aunt Rose Allen is threatened with malaria fever and Mrs. John Holocker south of Castleton is in a rather critical state.
Oxbow, April 21, 1887
A. C. Chance and family were the guests of W. H. Shields and wife Sunday last, where Mr. Chance bade farewell to his father and sister Annie, who expect to start to Oregon on Wednesday. We believe Mr. Chance goes there in hopes of having better health.
Cottage Hill, August 11, 1887
Owen Allen, while moving his stock last evening was thrown from his horse and was unconscious for awhile, but at this writing nothing serious is anticipated.
Cottage Hill, September 13, 1888
Anthony Chance purchased the premium pig and the Wenona fair for $25.
Hennepin, Nov. 29, 1888
Anthony Chance takes two carloads of steers and a carload of hogs to Chicago this week.
Cottage Hill, February 13, 1890
Aunt Rose Allen is still in delicate health. Also Mrs. Gus Deininger is dangerously ill with doubtful prospects of regaining health.
Cottage Hill, April 7, 1890
Aunt Rose Allen is in delicate health.
Oxbow, July 17, 1890
Mrs. Rosa Allen of Cottage Hill, who has been sick so long, died on Saturday morning. Interment on Monday.
July 17, 1890
Died near Cottage Hill, July 12, of infirmity of age, Roseanna, 74 years, 3 months, 16 days. Wife of the late James Allen and mother of William Allen of this city.
Mrs. James Allen
Mrs James Allen The subject of this brief notice was the mother of our fellow townsman William Allen, and sister of County Judge A. Cassell of Florid. Her maiden name was Rossannah Cassell, born in West Hanover, Dauphin county, PA., March 16, 1816, being at her death in the 75th year of her age. She was married to James Allen in her Pennsylvania home in 1834. Two years later her parents and family emigrated to the west and located in Putnam county, and Mr. Allen and wife followed them 10 years later, here they have lived since 1846, on the farm they owned and tilled near Florid. Mrs. Allen lived and died, and for seven years a widow, residing with her son Owen W. Allen. She joined the Wesleyan Methodist connection and manifested in her life, conduct and through out the affairs and duties of her humble sphere of usefulness the graces and principles of the Christian character and life. Five of her eight children survive - William of Henry, Mrs. J. Umbarger and Eliza Forney both of Melvin, Ford county, Cora Eberly of Lostant and O. W. Allen of Florid. The funeral was held at the house, Rev. Bliss of Magnolia officiating on Monday, the interment being in the Florid cemetery.
Cottage Hill, July 17, 1890
Aunt Rose Allen has crossed the river and her remains were followed by a large concourse of people to her last resting place at Florid yesterday, Reverend Bliss officiating.
Cottage Hill, October 2, 1890
The effects of Aunt Rose Allen, deceased, were sold last Saturday. Among the other relics of the past was old Charlie, a horse of 31 years past.
May 14, 1891
Miss Maude Chance, daughter of C.A. Chance of Cottage Hill, was buried at Florid last Tuesday morning. She had been a sufferer of Consumption for many months. Her age was about 15 years. Reverend Bliss of Magnolia conducted the service.
Oxbow, May 14, 1891
Maud, daughter of C.A. Chance, died at the home of her father near Cottage Hill on Sunday last of consumption. We think her age was near 16 years. How sad to us to see the young called hence, but if fully trusting in their heavenly Father, as we hear she did, how much better for her.
Hennepin, November 5, 1891
W.A. Allen is now holding a position in a Patrick Dore's store.
Cottage Hill, December 3, 1891
Mrs. O.W. Allen was at Melvin Ford County, to attend the nuptial of a niece, Miss Mabel Forney.
September 2, 1892
J.B. Albert, Isac Reichwine, George Eisenhower, Owen W. Allen, and Olaf Matson started for Washington D.C. last Thursday to attend the national G.A.R. encampment.
Cottage Hill, August 31, 1893
O.W. Allen has decided to leave the farm and try Henry for awhile.
Henry Republican
Florid, January 31, 1895
William Seibert and Rosa Kast were married last Wednesday evening at the home of Joseph Albert. This was a very quiet wedding and a surprise to all. Also John Deininger was married this same evening to Hattie Umbarger of Melvin (January 16).
Oxbow, June 11, 1896
Ed Chance and family were the guests of his brother Anthony Chance last Sunday. A few of the neighbors and friends spent a very pleasant evening at their home last Thursday.
October 15, 1896
Mortuary Record - William Allen
The funeral of the late William Allen took place on Friday. After a reading of the scripture lesson and a prayer at the home by Reverend McLeish the funeral cortege departed for Hennepin at 9:00 oclock. Two delegations of former years joined them enroute. The funeral proper was held at the Congregational Church at Hennepin at 12:00 oclock, the services being in charge of Reverend J.C. Zellar, pastor of the M.E. Church, whose remarks were comforting and impressive to the bereaved. The attendance of sympathizing friends was also very large and the procession was over a mile in length.
Mr. Allen was a native of Pennsylvania, born May 12, 1840. He accompanied his parents to Illinois in 1846, who located at or near Hennepin. He was married to Emily Durley March 25, 1868, daughter of Madison Durley. Their children Mary M. and Mildred F. are young woman grown who with the wife and a large circle of relatives survive. The deceased had been an active citizen and through his social and business intercourse of many years in both Marshall and Putnam Counties had a wide acquaintance. He was a man of excellent morals, honest, just and respected by the people and his sudden and unexpected death is a severe trial to the worthy family and his friends. he leaves a brother Owen Allen of Florid and Mrs. James Umbarger and Mrs. G.F. Forney of Melvin, Ford County and Mrs. S.L. Eberly of Lostant. All were present at the funeral with their families, also Mrs. Doctor Murdock and two children, a sister of Mrs. Allen. Those who were also present: Lillian Eberly of Lostant and Mrs. Cassell of Chicago, Isaac P. Bush and wife and Soloman Darby and wife accompanied by the family to Hennepin. The pallbearers here were Wm. Duke, Wm. Spangler, I.P. Bush, R. McDonald, Alex Doelzer and Frank Fyffe.
The death of Mr. Allen was sudden. He had gone to work as usual that morning, first at T.F. Clovers where he finished a job, then to W. Schroeders. At Mr. Clovers he took a dose of soda from a box he took from his pocket, saying to Mrs. Clover that he was ill. He also remarked that he was unable to see. But the severe attack came on a Mr. Schroeders where he gave up work and started to go home, falling at the gate and expired. Leonard Hunter happened at the gate as he fell and lifting him up he gasped several times and then all was over. He was taken into Mr. Schroeders by Mr. Hunter, E. Camry and others and later was taken home. The doctor pronounced his case one of apoplexy.
Mrs. Mollie Allen and girl had a runaway last Wednesday evening while out calling On their way home from the hill, their horse became frightened by a hog by the waysideand becoming unmanagable, upset the wagon and landed the girl underneath it, giving Mrs. A. marks of a rough ride. Then the horse broke loose from the buggy, went home, and gave news to what had happened. However neither were seriously hurt and are now at the home duties as before.
Walter Chance, who has been in Ford County for several years is home again and will run the home farm next year.
Walter Chance brought a bride home from Walnut yesterday but never asked the postmaster anything about it so can give nothing further.
AUGUST 18, 1898
Walter Chance and bride spent Saturday and Sunday with his uncle, Mr. Chance of this place.
September 29, 1898
O.W. Allen attended the M.E. quarterly conference in Kankakee last week and had quite an enjoyable time.
O.W. Allen and William Gall attended the Three I extention meeting at Grange Hall yesterday afternoon. I have not heard the results but there is no use talking. People will not be sastified until we get a railroad, if talk will bring it.
The Hennepin Herald
March 2, 1899 - Cottage Hill
Mrs. O. W. Allen is improving.
March 9, 1899 - Florid News
C.A. Chance is quite poorly, being confined to the house most of the time.
April 6, 1899, Cottage Hill
O.W. Allen did not get his cattle off last week as reported, but expects to this week.
C.A.Chance is in poor health and is anxiously looking forward to more settled weather. We all hope he may get better.
Taken From the Putnam Record, Hennepin, IL
May 4 1899
Mr. Hecht, who has been ou Sunday school superintendent for the past two years, has secured a position with a Toluca firm up on Sandy and resigned his superintendency last Sunday. H. P. Alleman, was elected in his stead, and Frank Chance, just returned from school at Valparaiso, was elected assistant superintendent.
Thursday, Sept. 7, 1899
O.W. Allen is visiting in the west and will bring his wife back with him.
Wednesday, January 17, 1900
C.A. Chance shipped a car of hogs yesterday and O.W. Allen a load of cattle today to Chicago.
Cottage Hill, February 20, 1900
O. Allen and Curtis Chance were on the Chicago market last Friday - each with a load of cattle.
C.A. Chance does not improve in health and seems to think his race is nearly run.
Wednesday, April 18, 1900
Cottage Hill, April 10
C.A Chance seems to grow weaker all the while and seems to think the end is near.
Cottage Hill, April 17, 1900
C.A. Chance just seems to be waiting for the summons and has not eaten anything for 4 or 5 days.
Cottage Hill, April 24, 1900
Curtis Anthony Chance passed to the othe shore on last Friday about 5 PM and was laid to rest in Florid yesterday. Reverend Bliss officiating. The remains were followed to their last resting place by a large circle of friends. Rest in peace.
Last week, the record gave a mere announcement of the death of Anthony Chance of Cottage Hill, haveing no data at that time from which to form an obituary. Mr. Chance as many of our readers know, had been in declinging health for the past three years and neither medicine or change of climite it seems had the power to stay the disease which had taken a hold upon him. He had tried many physicians, visited the famous mineral springs of Colorado and other parts, but all to no purpose and on April 20, his spirit took its flight to the world beyond.
Deceased was born in Putnam County May 18, 1849 and died April 20, 1900, age 50 years, 11 months and two days. He grew to manhood in the vicinity of his birth, and on December 31, 1872, he was united in marriage with Miss Esther Allen, who died July 22, 1886, leaving him with six children, 5 sons and one daughter. October 4, 1887, he was again married to Sara A. Springer, by whom he had 4 children. Of the ten children, 2 daughters, one by the first wife and one by the second, are deceased. The widow and eight children survive to mourn the loss of an affectionate husband and kind father. He spent all of his life in Putnam County and his body now rests in the Florid cemetery, where the funeral services were held, conducted by Reverend Bliss.
Cottage Hill, May 30, 1900
O.W. Allen and the C.A. Chance estate, each shipped a load of cattle to Chicago last week. Frank Chance and Walker Johnson, Owen's adoped boy, went along to see the little village and got back all right.
Mrs. O.W. Allen has been in Henry the past week in poor health, but has returned to the farm again.
June 13, 1900
Mrs. Mollie Allen is in Henry, trying to recuperate her health and Owen is talking of leaving the farm again and put on city airs.
Cottage Hill, September 4, 1900
W. B. Cassell and O. W. Allen went to Decatur to pay the last tribute to their uncle, Thomas Albert, last Saturday.
Cottage Hill, September 25, 1900
O.W. Allen has rented his place to A.J. Gall and will move to McNabb and I expect will manage the new railroad addition to Toluca from McNabb Junction.
Cottage Hill, October 9, 1900
Mrs. Owen Allen, who under went a very critical operation on Tuesday, is now doing well. The noted surgeon, Dr. Russell of Cincinnati, assisted by Dr. Swan of Henry, and Dr. Barber of Magnolia, performed the operation. Under the efficient skill of the attending physician, Dr. Swan and the care of Miss Thomas, a fully qualified nurse of Chicago, Mrs. Allen will doubtless make a speedy recovery.
Cottage Hill, November 6, 1900
Mrs. Mollie Allen is said to be getting along all right, but is still held in close quarters upstairs. It seems that there was an error that Owen had bought property in McNabb. He has since bought in Henry and will retire from farm life.
Cottage Hill, January 1, 1901
O. W. Allen is now a resident of Henry, and Jake Albert is running the ranch. Jus Gall will take charge about the 1st of March.
Cottage Hill, February 26, 1901
It was quite a crowd at the O. W. Allen sale yesterday and his receipts netted near $3000. And he will from this on reside in Henry and learn to put on style. J. A. Gall will take possession of the farm in a few days and Jacob Albert who has been caring for the stock and getting it ready for the sale, will remove to the Sunnyland Farm near Palatine.
Wednesday, April 10, 1901
Last week, the record stated the Mrs. Emily Allen of Henry, had suffered a stroke of apoplexy, while walking on the street and there was little hope for her recovery. She was taken sick, Friday afternoon, March 29, and lingered in an unconscious state until Wednesday morning April 3, when death ended her suffering. We copy the following from the Henry Republican from April 4.
Mrs. Emily Durley Allen, 2nd daughter of Madison Durley and Mary Elizabeth Harrison, was born in Hennepin, August 25, 1845. Suffering the loss of her mother at the age of less than 2 months, she was cared for by her paternal grandmother until the marriage of her father to Mrs. Rose Anna Hale of Louisville, Kentucky, February 10, 1847. Her girlhood was spent in that old hometown, where she was an active member of the M. E. Church and Sunday school. Here on March 25, 1869, she was married to William Alfred Allen and the new household was started on the old ground. With the exception of a short time spent in Anita, Iowa, her husband being in the business there for a year or two, her life has been spent in Illinois and on the banks of the picturess Illinois River. Though it was not her lot to inherit fortune, yet the riches of a warm heart and a tender loving spirit were her portion, friends always finding welcome at her door from which no needy one was ever turned away. To this family were born two daughters, Mary Margaret and Mildred Floyd. Moving to Henry in the year 1886, or there abouts, this family circle was unbroken until the loss of her husband and father who was called to his home on October 8, 1896. Four years later, April 3, 1901, this devoted wife and faithful mother, was permitted to enter into rest, her life ebbing away in the early morning of the beautiful day, embalated of the beautiful morning of the life beyond.
The remains were brought to Hennepin Friday morning and at 11:00 Reverend A. K. Tellis, of Henry delivered a very able sermon in the congregational church, after which internment took place in the Riverside cemetery beside the grave of her husband W. A. Allen, who died in 1896.
NOVEMBER 19, 1901
George Forney and wife of Ford County are visiting old friends here about and are expected to start home today.
Frank Chance is expected to start for Texas for health and prosperity.
Cottage Hill March 3, 1902
Joe Umbarger and Miss Allie Umbarger and Mrs. Spell Meyer, all of Ford County, Illinois and visiting John Deneigers. Mr. Umbarger is Mrs. Deneiger's father.
Walter Chance who has been living near Walnut, Illinois, has had his goods shipped to McNabb and is here ready to work for Mrs. C.A. Chance. He and his family will occupy the house on the O.W. Allen's east 80.
Mrs. Walter Chance has arrived from Walnut, Illinois and they will soon go to housekeeping the O.W. Allen house.
Mrs. Jane Umbarger of Ford County is spending a few days with Mrs. John Deneiger and other relatives. She was called here by the sudden death of her grandchild.
Cottage Hill, March 25, 1902
Mrs. O.W. Allen who was taken to Chicago last week, was operated on last Thursday and when last heard from was doing as well as could be expected.
Cottage Hill, April 1, 1902
Work comes from O.W. Allen that Mrs. Allen was pronounced as being out of danger last Thursday. She is getting strength eadh day. She stood the operation well and has had the very best of care. Everything possible is being done for her comfort.
Cottage Hill, April 8, 1902
Frank Chance and John Springer, who have spent the winter in Texas, have returned. Frank is very much improved in health and looks as if the southern climate agreed with him.
Cottage Hill, April 22, 1902
Word comes from Chicago today that Mrs. O.W. Allen is able to sit up about 2 hours each day. They think she will be able to be taken to her home about May 1st.
Cottage Hill, April 29, 1902
O. W. Allen spent most of the last week in the country. He and Leiland Johnson returned to Henry, Friday afternoon to await the arrival of Mrs. Allen.
Cottage Hill, May 13, 1902
Mrs. O.W. Allen returned to Henry last week after having been in the hospital in Chicago for six or seven weeks. She stood the trip well and seems to be in a fair way to recovery.
Cottage Hill June 24, 1902
Frank Chance was brought from the hospital to Henry last week. He is in very poor health.
Cottage Hill, July 29, 1902
O.W. Allen and David Albert returned to Henry last Saturday after spent two weeks at hay, ect.
Mrs. O.W. Allen has been visiting relatives in this vicinity for several days. She expects to return to her home in Henry today.
Cottage Hill, September 1, 1902
Rumor has it that Frank Chance and Effie Shepperd were joined in holy bonds of matrimony this week. We offer congradulations and bid them God speed, as they go south for the benefit of Frank's health.
Cottage Hill, September 9, 1902
Frank Chance and bride spent a few days last week with Mrs. C.A. Chance.
Mrs. C.A. Chance has rented her farm to Ed Chance of Henry and will retire from farm life.
Mrs. John Deininger departs this morning for Ford Co. IL, where she goes to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Umbarger.
October 29, 1902
Joe Umbarger of Melvin, Illinois is visiting his daughter Mrs. John Deininger and other relatives in Putnam County. He was called to attend the funeral of S.L. Eberly of Lostant.
Those who attended the funeral of S.L. Eberly were Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Deininger, Walter Chance and wife, Curtis and Lee Chance and Mrs. H.P. Allman. It was one of the largest funerals we have ever attended. He was a member of the M.W.A. and that order turned out in a body. Deceased leaves a wife and four children to mourn their loss.
Cottage Hill, November 3, 1902
Mrs. George Forney of Melvin, Illinois spent several days with friends and relatives in this vicinity last week. She and Joe Umbarger departed for their home on Friday.
Cottage Hill, January 27, 1903
Walter Chance will occupy the upper part of the building as a dwelling, while the first part will be used for groceries, ect.
Cottage Hill, May 15, 1907
Mrs. O. W. Allen of Henry spent several days on the farm last week.
Cottage Hill June 12, 1907
O.W. Allen and wife, Mrs. W.W. Rowe and daughter of Henry, spent Saturday night and Sunday here and attended children's day exercises at Strawn on June 9.
Cottage Hill, August 21, 1907
Owen Allen and wife of Henry, started on a two weeks visit in Canton, Illinois and Ford County. Mr. Allen has two sisters and many other relatives in Ford County.
Cottage Hill, October 23, 1907
Mrs. O. W. Allen of Henry, has been under the care of a physician for two weeks.
Florid, February 5, 1908
Joe Umbarger who has been visiting friends in Henry, returned to Florid, Monday where he will visit his sister Mrs. Mary Allen before returning to his home in Melvin.