Decatur Daily Republican (Decatur, Illinois) > 1881 > February > 2

Keokuk, IA, Jan. 31

When Mr. Al. Cassell was returning home from a party about 3 o'clock yesterday morning, he was attacked by an unknown person, who endeavored to knock him down with a sandbag. Cassell dodged in time to escape with slight injuries, and, in a moment recovering himself, fired upon his assailant, which it is supposed took effect in his shoulder, as he threw his hand up as if shot. He then turned and fled, making a hasty retreat.

We are proud of Al. Because he is a Decatur boy and has shown that he knows how to deal with Iowa thugs. He is a member of the Decatur Guards, and a son of Mr. B. H. Cassell. Al is in business at Keokuk, and was on his way home from a dance when he was assaulted in the manner above described.

Decatur Daily Republican (Decatur, Illinois) > 1885 > January > 7

Al Cassell, formerly of Decatur, is now located at Keokuk, Iowa, where he is in the candy and fruit business with Lou Marshall, also of Decatur.

Decatur Republican (Decatur, Illinois) > 1887 > December > 8

The mariage of Thomas A. Cassell, son of B. H. Cassell, and Miss Katie Limburg was solemnized at Keokuk, Iowa, at noon on Tuesday. The couple arrived in Decatur at 11 o'clock last night and were driven to their future home at 1119 East William street where they found a warm welcome, about 40 friends having gathered there to give them a reception. It was quite a surprise to Al and his bride, who had had no intimation of the gathering in their honor. A fine wedding supper was served and later than the midnight hour good-byes were exchanged.

Daily Republican (Decatur, Illinois) > 1889 > April > 4

Berry H. Cassell to Thomas A. Cassell, lot 7, block 2, Cassell's 6th edition, $1, "love and affection".

Decatur Daily Republican (Decatur, Illinois) > 1890 > March > 31

Mrs. Emma Howard, of Keokuk, Ia., is in the city visiting her sister, Mrs. T. A. Cassell

Decatur Daily Republican (Decatur, Illinois) > 1890 > April > 23

Tom Cassell entertained about fifteen couples of friends last evening at his home north of the city in a most hospitable manner. The party went out in carriages and enjoyed themselves with the dance until an early hour. Music was furnished by James Hilligan and Bert Conklin. Refreshments were served at 11 o'clock.

Decatur Daily Republican (Decatur, Illinois) > 1890 > August > 23

At the meeting of the Order of the Easter Star held last evening Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Cassell, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Cassell were taken into membership.

The Decatur Daily Despatch (Decatur, Illinois)
September 11 1890

Messrs. Frank and Albert Cassell, who have been visiting relatives in Keokuk, Iowa, for the last month, returned home last night.

Decatur Morning Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1891 > September > 25

Canned Fruit Thieves

On East William street night before last, some thieves got awy with over 40 quarts of canned fruit, ets., from the cellar of Albert T. Cassell. After going through Mr. Cassell's cellar they made their way into a cellar west of the Cassell residence, and for some reason left after having dropped one of the glass jars. The neighborhood is on the lookout and will give someone a dose of cold lead if they are caught on the premises again.

Decatur Daily Republican (Decatur, Illinois) > 1893 > February > 7

Mrs. T. A. Cassell left today for Keokuk in response to a telegram announcing the death of her mother, Mrs. Limburg.

The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1893 > January > 8

Mrs. A. T. Cassell came home yesterday from Keokuk, Ia., where she has been visiting friends.

Decatur Daily Republican (Decatur, Illinois) > 1894 > April > 13

T. A. Cassell is adding a second story to his dwelling on East North street.

Decatur Daily Republican (Decatur, Illinois) > 1894 > June > 22

Miss Sharp, of Monroe, Iowa, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Cassell.

Herald Despatch (Decatur, Illinois) > 1896 > June > 20


Miss Nellie Limburg and Georg J. Herbert both of Keokuk, Iowa, were married last night at the home of the bride's sister, mrs. T. A. Cassell, 1153 East William street. The marriage was celebrated at 8 o'clock, rev. Penhallegon, officiating. The bride for the past year has been making her home with her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert will leave for Keokuk on Thursday where the groom is employed in a railroad office.

Daily Republican (Decatur, Illinois) > 1897 > April > 5

Children's Party at the Armory

There was a merry time at Guard's armory Saturday afternoon, it being the occasion of a children's party given by Roy (Ray)  and Irene Cassell. There were dancing and refreshments. Mesdames J. F. and T. A. Cassell were the chaperones, assisted by Mesdames O. R. Allen, H. L. Powell, Charles Cassell and Misses Hattie Barlow and Sallie Imboden. The grand march was led by Lennie Cassell and Hazel Quick.

The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1898 > April > 17

Mrs. Harry Powell and son, Charles have returned to their home in Chicago after a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cassell.

The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1901 > September > 15

Captain J. F. Cassell and Charles and Thomas Cassell and their wives, who have been camping at Spangler's bridge, expect to return home Monday.

The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1903 > September > 1

Miss Ray Cassell has returned from a visit in Lincoln with Mrs. Fred Reinhardt

The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1903 > December > 17

Dear Santa Claus

I am a little boy 5 years old and I am a pretty boy. I want a ring, sled, horn, rubber boots, books that have pictures of animals in them, a rubber sheep and candy and nuts. Good-bye Santa.

Berry Hill Cassell, Jr.

The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1904 > April > 3

Three New Cottages

Hilton and Hal (Al) Cassell will erect three new cottages on East North street, just east of the Central tracks. They expect to begin building in May, but may start earlier than that. L. B. Cassell will put up a cottage on East William Street. All four of these cottages will be for rent.

The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1905 > April > 5

Cassell Boys Vacate a Plat

But the Streets and Alleys Had Never Been Used

A deed of vacation was filed in the circuit clerk's office this morning whereby B. Hilton Cassell and Thomas A. Cassell vacate certain parts of streets and alleys in part of B. H. Cassell's addition. These parts of streets and alleys had never been used by the public or improved by the city, and, in fact, there has been a fence around the ground ever since it was platted.

Decatur Herald (Decatur, Illinois) > 1904 > May > 13

Berry H. Cassell to Berryhill Cassell, lot 3 in block 2 of B. H. Cassell's seventh addition to Decatur; $600.

Berry H. Cassell to Thomas A. Cassell, a tract in block 2 of B. H. Cassell's fifth addition to Decatur; also lots 1 and 2 in block 2 of Berry H. Cassell's seventh addition to Decatur; $1,000.

Berry H. Cassell to Ray Cassell, lot 14 in block 1 of B. H. Cassell's seventh addition to Decature, $600.

Berry H. Cassell to Thomas A. Cassell, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 in block 5 of B. H. Cassell's first addition to Decautr, alos a tract in block 3 of B. H. Cassell's fifth addition to Decatur; $4000.

The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1905 > January > 2

Farm and Town Trade

A. C. Allen engineered a trade in which Hilton and Thomas Cassell were the partied on one side and William Turner the man on the other. The Cassells put in a farm of 160 acres a half mile northeast of Stewardson. It went into the trade at $10,000. The Cassells took two houses in Decatur. One is a modern house of eight rooms on the west side of North Main street, 1200 block. The other is an eight room house on the south side of East Olive street, between Warren and Broadway. The two houses went in at $6,500. The difference was paid in cash by Mr. Turner. He gets the farm as an investment. The two houses the Cassells got now rent at $40 a month. The farm land mentioned was bought fourteen years ago by Berry and Henry Cassell, they paying $30 an acre; their heirs now let the land go at $62.50 an acre.

The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1907 > June > 23

The latest recruit of the Decatur Fishing Club cottagers is T. A. Cassell. Work on his cottage has just begun. This will be one of the best cottages on the grounds. It will contain a large living room, two bed rooms, dining room and kitchen. There will be a large screened porch on two sides and a back porch, also screen in, which will be used for the kitchen. It will have a brick foundation and there will be a big fireplace in it.

The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1908 > March > 19

Moore - Cassell

In the presence of nearly 150 guests Miss Ray Cassell and Richard L. Moore were married at 7 o'clock Wednesday night by Rev. S. H. Bowyer, at the home of the bride's uncle, B. H. Cassell.

The bride wore a white silk gown and carried white roses. White flowers and white and green ribbons decorated the rooms of the house and the same scheme was carried out in the four-course supper which followed. The couple left at midnight for a visit in Chicago and Milwaukee.

The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1908 > June > 4

A hole in the shoe of Berry Cassell, Jr., brought him all the gold in the hills Wednesday afternoon in a delightful little play presented by pupils of the Fourth B. grade of the Jasper street schools. Incidentally that one hole shoe kept him from being bewitched, got him a corps of "hill men" for life servants and brought poetic punishment upon the wicked uncle.

The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1909 > August > 13

Sues Decatur Man For $5,000 Damages

Maro S. Strong of Lewistown Alleges He Was Badly Injured

Maro S. Strong has filed a damage suit against Thomas A. Cassell of Decatur for $5,000. On Oct. 4, 1908, while Mr. Cassell was driving his automobile through Schuyler county he met a farmer named Strong, who was driving along in a buggy. Strong charges Cassell was going twenty-five miles an hour and did not sound his horn or give any warning of his approach and that the horse became frightened, ran away and threw the complainant out, injuring his left leg so badly that he has since been unable to attend to his duties; that he spent $200 trying to be cured of his hurts, bruises and wounds, and that on account of his inability to attend to his farm work he is out $2,000 additional. Masters and Masters of Lewistown, Ill., are attorneys for Mr. Strong.

The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1909 > September > 17

Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Cassell and children and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moore of Decatur came over in their auto last Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stafford, but not finding them at home filled up on grapes, pears and peaches and tehn returned home.

The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1913 > February > 22

Mt. Pulaski, Feb. 22 - T. A. Cassell and wife of Decatur came over Thursday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stafford. These two men spent their boyhood days together and in their early manhood were as inseparable companions as Damon and Pythias.

The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1914 > February > 8

The largest affair among the children was the valentine dance given last night by Miss Lenore Mueller, Miss Frances Cruikshank and Master Ward Cassell in Marquette Hall. Invitations were sent out to seventy children in Decatur and a few from out of town. Robert's orchestra played. The refreshments were carried out in the valentine idea, the ice cream, ckae, candy and the like, being in heart shape. Mrs. Henry Mueller, Mrs. D. Moore, Mrs. F. W. Cruikshank and Mrs. T. A. Cassell were chaperones.

The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1914 > April > 26

Louis B. Cassell Soon To Marry

Kenny, April 25 - Announcement of the engagement of Miss Carrie Deitrich of Kenney and Louis B. Cassell of Decatur was made at the home of Mrs. I. G. Cox Thursday afternoon to twelve of Miss Deitrich's friends. The marriage will take place in the near future.

The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1914 > August > 28

Mrs. Louis B. Cassell returned to her home in Decatur Saturday evening. Her father, Joseph Deitrich, accompanied her home.

The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1915 > August > 1

Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Cassell left Saturday morning for Keokuk, Ia. They were called there by the death of Miss Rovilla Montague, who was drowned early Saturday morning at that place. Particulars were not given.

Decatur Daily Review
September 24, 1920

Mt. Pulaski

Mr. And Mrs. T. A. Cassell and son Berry Cassell of Decatur made an automobile trip to Mt. Pulaski Wednesday.

Wednesday Evening, May 3, 1922 Page 14

Thomas A. Cassell Died Wednesday
Was Ill Only Since Monday

Thomas Albert Cassell died unexpectedly at 6 o’clock Wednesday morning at the family residence, 1064 West main street. he would have been sixty-six years old in June. His death was caused by liver and stomach trouble.  Mr. Cassell was born in the St. Nicholas hotel June 30, 1856. He had lived in Decatur all his life and was engaged in the real estate business. He was widely known and had many friends. Few of his many acquaintances had any idea that he was as old as he really was. he did not have a gray hair in his head and was as spry and active as a man of forty, which he appeared to be. Mr. Cassell was a member of Macon lodge no. 8 A.F. and A.M. and Macon chapter no. 21, R.A.M. He was also a member of Decatur lodge, B.P.O. Elks. He is survived by his wife and three children - Mrs. R. L. Moore, Berry H. Cassell, Jr. and Ward Cassell, all of Decatur. He was a cousin of Charles Cassell of Decatur and Major Frank Cassell of Chicago. He was a son of Berry H. Cassell, who built the mansion on Cassell’s hill, that was destroyed by fir in 1915, and who died in 1904. The body was removed to the  Monson & Wilcox undertaking establishment and prepared for burial. The funeral will be held at 8 o’clock Friday afternoon at the residence, 1064 West main street, and will be under the auspices of Macon lodge no. 8, A.F. & A.M. The interment will be in Greenwood cemetery.