Review (Decatur, Illinois)
August 15 1883

Niantic News

Miss Minnie Cassell will leave for Spencer county, in a few days to visit friends. Miss Lizzie Ricewein (Reichwein), of Florida (Florid), who has been visiting Miss Minnie Cassell for some time, will shortly leave for her home. Miss Lizzie is a pleasant young lady, and has made many friends during her short stay among us.

Decatur Review (Decatur, Illinois)
June 26, 1884

Niatic News

Miss Minnie Cassell and Freddie Andrews leave next week for a four weeks visit in Florida. (Florid)

Saturday Herald (Decatur, Illinois) > 1884 > July > 12


Miss Minnie Cassel and Fred Andrews left Friday night for Florid, Illinois, where they will visit friends.

Decatur Daily Republican (Decatur, Illinois) > 1885 > November > 25

Mrs. Sloan who has been visiting the Misses Minnie and Ella Cassel has returned to her home in Decatur.

Decatur Daily Republican (Decatur, Illinois)
December 23 1885

The invitations are out announcing the marriage of Mr. John T. Linehan and Miss Minnie Cassell, daughter of John Cassell, which will take place at Niantic, the home of the bride, on Christmas day, at 7 p.m.

Decatur Daily Republican (Decatur, Illinois)
December 26 1885

Married at the residence of the bride's father, John Cassell, at Niantic, Friday evening, Dec. 25, at 7 o'clock, by Rev. Richardson, Mr. John Linehan and Miss Minnie Cassell. There were about 75 guests present, nearly all of whom remembered the bride with useful and beautiful gifts. A bountiful repast was spread, and while the party were at the tables the Niantic Cornet band honored the couple with a serenade. The bride was attired in a rich dress of blue rep silk. Mr. and Mrs. Linehan are now in Decatur on a visit. They will soon return to Niantic where they will reside.

Decatur Daily Review
October 1, 1886

Mrs. J. Linehan, of Decatur, is visiting her father, Squire John Cassell.

Decatur Republican (Decatur, Illinois)
October 7 1886

Mrs. J. Linehan, of Decatur, is visiting her father, Squire John Cassell

Hennepin, March 10, 1887

Mrs. Lineham of Decatur was here last week with Mrs. G.A. Danley

Decatur Daily Republican (Decatur, Illinois)
July 2 1887

Mrs. Frank Cassell and daughter Irene, Mrs. C. H. Cassell and son Lennie, and Mrs. Linehan have gone to Virginia, Ill., to remain until after the 4th.

Decatur Daily Republican (Decatur, Illinois)
August 16 1887

Niantic, Aug. 15

Chas. And Frank Chassell (Cassell) and John Linehan, with their wives, all of Decatur, spent Sunday with their father, John Cassell. They returned home Sunday evening in a hack.

Decatur Review (Decatur, Illinois)
January 3 1890

Mrs. John Linehan of Decatur is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Cassell.

Decatur Daily Republican (Decatur, Illinois)
October 10 1891

John Cassell to John T. Linehan, deed to lot 8, block 5, Cassell's 4th addition - $1500.

The Weekly Herald Despatch (Decatur, Illinois) > 1893 > January > 14

A Co-Operative Shop

The journeymen painters have kept their promise to open a shop and will be in the field for work. Their shop has been establisehd at 238 West Main street, and the managers are D. J. Halleck, J. T. Linehan and James McClure. There are about sixty journeymen painters in the city to be supplied with work from this shop. The success of this venture will be watched with interest.

The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1893 > March > 17

Mrs. John Linahan of Decatur visited Mrs. Cassel Sunday.

The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1900 > July > 17

Mrs. J. T. Lanahan of Chicago is the guest of her sister, Mrs. G. M. Danley, on West Pugh street.


Cottage Hill, July 9, 1902

Miss Etta Cassell and Myrtle Lineham of Chicago, are spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. A.K. Cassell.

Cottage Hill, July 29, 1902

Mrs. H.B. Alleman and Mirtle Linehan called on the family of Harve Allen of Florid, also on Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cassell last Saturday afternoon. They found Mr. Cassell in poor health.

Cottage Hill, August 5, 1902

Miss Etta Cassell and Myrtle Lineham departed for Chicago yesterday morning after having spent several weeks in this vicinity.

The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois July 4, 1903

For A Reunion

John Linnahan, wife and daughter of Chicago are here to visit Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cassell and Captain and Mrs. J. F. Cassell and Mrs. Frank Andrews and daughter of Ivesdale are guests of George Danley and family. All will attend a family reunion at the old Cassell homestead at Niantic tomorrow.

The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, October 28, 1910

Eighty-Second Birthday

The eighty-second birthday of John Cassell at Niantic was celebrated Wednesday night, when a number of his Decatur relatives went out on an early car with packed lunch baskets and held a reunion. The evening was spent in a social manner and the party returned to this city on the last interurban car. Following is a list of those present:

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cassell, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cassell, Mrs. Anna Andrews and daughter, Harry Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. John Lineham, Mrs. Grace Romine, Mrs. Arthur Bray and two daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Will Stivers, Mrs. Charles Drake and family of Tulla, Tex.

The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1911 > March > 4

J. T. Linehan of Decatur has several jobs of painting and papering here.

The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1911 > November > 18

Mr. and Mrs. John Cassell were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Linehan and other relatives in Decatur, last week.

The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1912 > March > 2

Mrs. John Linehan of Decatur was the guest of her mother Mrs. John Cassell here Monday.

The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1912 > May > 11


Mrs. J. T. Linehan and William Pettus of Decatur spent Saturday and Sunday with John Cassell and Mrs. Ella Danley here.

Taken From the Decatur Daily Review

June 5, 1913
Cassell Family Reunion

A family reunion was held Sunday afternoon and evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Linehan, 344 North Water street.  A four course dinner was served.  The table was decorated with pink and white carnations and ferns.  Those present were John Cassell, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cassell, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cassell, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Cassell, Dr. and Mrs. L. E. Cassell, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cassell, Louis Cassell, Otto Cassell and sons, Harold and Everett, Mrs. Ella Danley and son Ralph, Mrs. Annie Andrews and daughters, Grace and Mildred, Mr. and Mrs. William Stivers and children, Mrs. Kate Chandler and brother, Dave Albert.


John Cassell and daughter Mrs. John Linnehan of Decatur are guest of Mrs. Sarah Cassell and Mrs. Ella Danley.

Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Allen entertained the following company last Saturday. John Cassell and Mrs. John Linnehan of Decatur, Illinois; Mrs. M. Umbarger of Walnut, Kansas; Mrs. A.K. Cassell of Granville; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Edwards; Mr. and Mrs. Willis Deininger and daughter of Sprinkleburg.


John Cassell and daughter Mrs. John Linnehan of Decatur are guest of Mrs. Sarah Cassell and Mrs. Ella Danley.

Florid, September 1, 1920

Mr. John Cassell and Mrs. Linnehan and daughter of Decatur are guests of Mrs. Sarah Cassell and Mrs. Ella Danley.



John Cassell and Mrs. Linnehan and daughter after a pleasant visit of 8 or 10 days with their relatives, Mrs. Sarah Cassell and Mrs. Ella Danley, returned to their home in Decatur, Friday.


Florid, August 30, 1923

H.E. Allen and wife, also Pat Donoho, wife and little Dean Allen, and Mrs. Ella Danley motored to Decatur Sunday and visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Lineham, Mrs. Danley remaining for a week's visit with her relatives. She found her father, John Cassell, quite poorly. He is an old gentleman of about 95 years.


Florid, July 16, 1924

Mrs. John Linnehan and aged father, John Cassell, Mrs. Frank Andrews all of Decatur, also Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cassell of Chicago came Monday for a visit with their sister and daughter, Mrs. Ella Danley.


Florid, July 17, 1924

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cassell of Chicago, John Cassell, Mrs. John Lineham and Mrs. Frank Andrews of Decatur came Monday night for a few days visit with Mrs. Ella Cassell Danley. John Cassell is 96 years old but stood the 100 mile trip by auto quite well.


Florid, August 20, 1924

Mr. and Mrs. Whittley and children, also Mrs. Odie Kouch of Decatur spent from Saturday until Sunday at the home of Mrs. Ella Danley, guests of Mrs. Whittley's mother, Mrs. John Linnehan and Mrs. Ella Danley.

Helen Linnehan and gentleman friend of Decatur, visited from Saturday until Sunday with Mrs. Ella Danley.

Mrs. Linnehan and daughter Helen and friend spent Sunday forenoon at Starved Rock.

Florid, August 20, 1924

Mrs. Linnehan and father, John Cassell, who has spent several weeks with Mrs. Danley, left Sunday for their home in Decatur.


Florid, August 21, 1924

After spenidng six weeks here with his daughter and sister, Mrs. Ella Danley, John Cassell and Mrs. John Lineham in company with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Whittley and Mrs. Houck returned to her home in Decatur Monday. It is a remarkabel thing for a man of 96 years of age to stand an ato trip of 150 miles in one day.

Decatur Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1925 > September > 25

The Philathea class of the First Baptist church met in the home of Miss Helen Linehan, West North street, Thursday evening, and surprised the hostess with a miscellaneous shower in honor of her approaching marriage to Robert Burns. The wedding will take place Oct. 24. The two nieces of the bride-to-be, Betty and Alice Whitley, dressed as bride and bridegroom, brought in gifts to the Miss Linehan. There were twenty girls in attendance. Refreshments were served.


Florid, May 19, 1927

Mr. and Mrs. John Lineham, also Mr. and Mrs. Tom Whittley and little son John of Decatur, spent a little while at the H.E. Allen home Monday afternoon. They had been to Hennepin to attend the funeral of Mrs. Mary Cassell.

Daily Review
February 12, 1928

John T. Linehan Dies AT Age 70.

John T. Linehan, 528 West North street died at 1:15 o'clock Saturday afternoon at the Decatur and Macon County hospital. He was seventy years last January. His death was caused by a complication of diseases.

Mr. Linehan was born on a boat en route from Ireland just as the boat reached New York harbor, Jan. 15, 1857. He had made his home in Decatur for the last twenty years and before than he lived in Niantic for a number of years. He and Minnie Cassell were married in Niantic Dec. 25, 1885. In his early life he was an interior decorator.

Church Sexton

For the last twenty years he was sexton at Westminster Presbyterian church, and he also took care of the Art Institute for five years. He was well known and had many friends. He is survived by his wife and two foster daughters, Mrs. Thomas Whitley and Mrs. Robert Burns, both of Decatur. The body was taken to Dawson & Wikoff, funeral directions, and prepared for burial.

The funeral will be held at 2:30 o'clock Monday afternoon at Westminster Presbyterian church. The burial will be in Graceland cemetery.


Florid, June 14, 1928

Leonard Cassell and wife, also his aunt Mrs. John Lineham, all of Decatur, visited our cemetery Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Lineham also called to see her old friend Mrs. H.E. Allen. It will be remembered that Mrs. Lineham lost her husband a short time ago. Also a sister Mrs. Ella Danley and a brother Charles Cassell, which was very sad indeed and she has the sympathy of her many friends here.

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