Decatur Daily Republican (Decatur, Illinois) > 1890 > June > 14
Sangamon Street School
The following pupils have been admitted to the High School from Sangamon Street School: Ben Baldwin, Fred Cassell, Robert Chronister, Frank Faries, Homer Erwin, Robert Chronister, Jos. Sanderson, Effie Stultz, Jessie Troy, Donna May, Tillie May, Florence Mills, Flora Mills and Rosa Schiem. Jennie Montgomery, principal.
Daily Review
June 3, 1894
A party of young people from the high school went to the home of Fred Cassell, about six miles in the country, Friday night. They had a good supper and returned about 9 o'clock.
Bulletin Sentinal, July 12, 1895
This morning a party of young men composed of Will Cooradt, Arthur Clary, Chas. Amboden, Guy Richter, Alva Johnson, Earl Braden, Fred Cassell and Chas. Steel left in a wagon for Spangler's Mill where they will camp out for a week.
Daily Republican (Decatur, Illinois) > 1895 > July > 8
Gone Camping
Fred Cassell, Will Coonradt, Arthur Ciary, Charles Steele, E. Braden, A. Johnson, Charles Imboden and Guy Righter left today for a week's outing. They stuck camp at a point northeast of town on the bank of the Sangamon near the Wabash bridge. The settlement will be known as Camp Ossipituchus.
Evening Bulletin (Decatur, Illinois) > 1895 > August > 19
Accidental Shooting
Fred Cassell, living one and a half miles north of Decatur accidently shot himself yesterday while handling an old revolver. The gun is a 32 calibre. He knew it was loaded but in handling it the gun was accidently discharged, the ball going through his left hand and entering his leg. The wounds are not serious but he will be laid up for some time.
Daily Republican (Decatur, Illinois) > 1895 > August > 31
Entertained in the Country
Fred Cassell entertained a few of his Decatur friends last night at his home three miles northeast of the city. Those who went were Misses Mabel Shimer, Maude Evans, Pauline Johnson, Edith Cann, Ardie wood, Sarah Imboden, Will Coonradt, Guy Righter, Wayne Williams, Charles Imboden and Clarence Erwin. Music and games were the order of the evening. At a suitable hour refreshments were served. All agreed that Mr. Cassell was a charming entertainer.
Daily Republican (Decatur, Illinois) > 1897 > September > 30
Fred Cassell, son of Hilton Cassell, residing three miles northeast of the city, was 21 years of age yesterday. The birthday anniversary was made the occasion of a pleasant surprise last evening, when a number of Decatur friends gave him a call, going out in a tally ho. In the party were: Ardie Wood, Ada magee, Mabel Shimer, Irene Sikes, Sarah Imboden, Mary Moore and Guy Righter, Alfred Diller, Charles Steele, Alva Johnson, Charles Imboden and Will Coonradt.
Decatur Weekly Republican (Decatur, Illinois) > 1897 > October > 7
Party of the Country
Fred Cassell, son of Hilton Cassell, residing three miles northeast of the city, was 21 years of age yesterday. The birthday anniversary was made the occasion of a pleasant surprise last evening, when a number of Decatur friends gave him a call, going out in a tally ho. In the party were: Ardie Wood, Ada Megee, Mabel Shimer, Irene Sikee, Sarah Imboden, Mary Moore and Guy Righter.
Daily Republican
November 22, 1898
Next Friday evening Fred Cassell will entertain a number of young ladies and gentlemen at the husking bee at his farm northeast of the city. The party will ride out to the end of the Condit street car line and from there will be taken in a wagon to the farm.
Daily Republican (Decatur, Illinois) > 1899 > March > 6
Invitations have been issued to the marriage of Miss Mabel Shimer and Fred R. Cassell at noon on Wednesday, March 15, at the home of the bride's parents on Central avenue. The invitations are also out for the reception which will be given to the couple by the parents of the prospective groom, Mr. And Mrs. B. Hilton Cassell, on Wednesday evening, March 15, from 7 to 10 o'clock, at their home, three miles northeast of the city.
The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1899 > March > 7
Cards Are Out
Cards are out announcing the marriage, March 15, at high noon, at the home of the bride's parents, 540 Central avenue, of Fred R. Cassell, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Hilton Cassell, and Miss Mabel Shimer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Shimer. A reception will follow at the home of the groom's parents. The couple will be at home after April 1 two and a half miles northeast of Decatur.
Daily Republican (Decatur, Illinois) > 1899 > March > 15
Cassell - Shimer
Noon Wedding Today on Central Avenue
Happy Home Marriage - Reception Tonight at the Hilton Cassell Residence in the Country
The marriage of Fred H. Cassell and Miss Mabel Shimer occurred at noon today at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Shimer on Central avenue. The wedding was quiet affair. The ceremony was performed by Rev. S. H. Bowyer, pastor of the First baptist church, and was witnessed by a few friends of the couple. This evening a large reception will be given at the home of the groom's father, B. Hilton Cassell, three miles northeast of the city. A large number of guests have been invited to attend the affair and it will be quite elaborate.
The young couple will make their home at the Cassell farm and the groom will follow the business of farming. He is the son of B. H. Cassell and is well known in the city. He was a member of the class which graduated from the High School in 1895. The bride, Miss Shimer is also well known in Decatur and has a large circle of friends among whom she is held in high esteem. She graduated from the High school in 1894 and for several years past has been employed in the exchange office of the Citizen's Mutual Telephone Co. The couple received quite a number of presents from their many friends.
Decatur Herald (Decatur, Illinois) > 1904 > February > 19
Berry H. Cassell to Fred R. Cassell, lot 9 in block 1 of Berry H. Cassell's seventh addition to Decatur; $600.
The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1904 > July > 7
Wanted - One Farm Hand to work by the month: steady work to right party. Also one or two men to help in hay harvest. Apply to Fred Cassell, two miles northeast of city, Green Switch road.
The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1904 > July > 21
Wheat Receipts
The receipts of wheat continue liberal. The yield is from twenty to thirty bushels to the acre. The quality and condition are good. F. R. Cassell brought in his wheat yesterday. It made thirty bushels to the acre. He had only twelve acres planted to wheat and is sorry it was not 112.
The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1907 > November > 10
F. R. Cassell bought of Lewis Frank a five-room cottage at 1503 North Main street, which he will rent. He will add another room and a bath, and will have the house piped with gas. The work will begin immediately. The consideration was $2,750.
The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1909 > March > 16
Tenth Wedding Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cassell, living on a farm northeast of Decatur, celebrated the tenth anniversary of their wedding Monday evening at the home of Mr. Cassell's father, B. H. Cassell, on Cassell hill. Seventy-five guests were present to enjoy the occasion. Among them was Miss Nellie Shimer of Minneapolis, Minn. During the evening an elaborate three-course luncheon was served. Mr. and Mrs. Cassell received many useful gifts of tin ware, the occasion being the tin wedding anniversry.
Mr. and Mrs. Cassell's wedding took place ten years ago Monday at the home of the bride's parents, Mr and Mrs. I. H. Shimer, 540 Central avenue.
The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1909 > August > 15
Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Wallace and son and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cassell go to Indianapolis today to visit for four or five days.
The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1909 > August > 30
Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Cassell are back from a three weeks visit in Indianapolis.
The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1911 > March > 5
Fred Cassell, living northeast of town purchased a Hudson "33" touring car a few days ago. The sale was made by F. D. Parker, the car being delivered out of his stock Wednesday.
The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1914 > September > 1
Fred Cassell was given a permit Tuesday to build a new residence in the 1400 block West Decatur street. It will cost $5,000 and B. Frazier is the contractor.
Decatur Evening Herald (Decatur, Illinois) > 1931 > April > 1
To Return From West
Mr. And Mrs. Fred Cassell and Mr. And Mrs. John F. Mattes are expected to return from California sometime Wednesday. They have been passing the winter months in the western states. Monday they were in Dallas, Tex.