Decatur Daily Republican (Decatur, Illinois) > 1883 > April > 27
Died at Niantic, on Thursday, April 26, 1883, of lung fever, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Andrews, aged 18 months. The deceased was a nephew of Charles H. and Frank Cassell of the Republican press room.
Decatur Review (Decatur, Illinois)
June 26, 1884
Niatic News
Miss Minnie Cassell and Freddie Andrews leave next week for a four weeks visit in Florida. (Florid)
Saturday Herald (Decatur, Illinois) > 1884 > July > 12
Miss Minnie Cassel and Fred Andrews left Friday night for Florid, Illinois, where they will visit friends.
The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois)
May 5 1886
Niantic News
Rube Andrews has quit the restaurant business and is now clerking for John Cassell
Decatur Daily Republican (Decatur, Illinois)
June 28 1890
Master Lennie Cassell and his cousin, Hattie Andrews, have gone to Niantic to visit for a few days with their grandpa, John Cassell.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois December 23, 1892
Fred L. Andrews died Wednesday night at 11:30 o'clock at the home of his parents, one and a half miles east of Decatur, of rheumatism, aged 17 years. The funeral will be held from the residence at 1 o'clock today. The body will be taken to Harristown for burial.
The Daily Review, Decatur, December 24, 1892
The remains of Fred Andrews the young man, who died near Decatur Wednesday, were sent to Harrisburg for interment.
Daily Republican (Decatur, Illinois) > 1897 > February > 18
Frank Andrews of Clinton, visited his father-in-law, John Cassel, last week.
Daily Republican (Decatur, Illinois) > 1899 > August > 4
Mrs. John Andrews and daughter of Clinton visited Mr. and Mrs. John Cassel last week.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, February 5, 1902
Scarlet Fever
Zula, the 12-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Andrews is confined at her home on West Leafland avenue with scarlet fever.
Decatur Herald (Decatur, Illinois) > 1902 > April > 18
Mrs. Frank Andreas (Andrews) of Decatur visited her father Squire John Cassell and wife.
Decatur Herald (Decatur, Illinois) > 1903 > April > 24
Mrs. Frank Andrews is spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. John Cassell.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois July 4, 1903
For A Reunion
John Linnahan, wife and daughter of Chicago are here to visit Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cassell and Captain and Mrs. J. F. Cassell and Mrs. Frank Andrews and daughter of Ivesdale are guests of George Danley and family. All will attend a family reunion at the old Cassell homestead at Niantic tomorrow.
March 29, 1904
The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) March 29, 1904
Ivesdale, Ills., March 29
A pretty home wedding here Monday was that of Miss Ethel M. Andrews and Robert Seffens at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Andrews.
The ceremony was performed at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon by Rev. A. C. Foster of Bement in the presence of a number of friends and relatives. The couple was attended by Charles and Minnie Luft. Miss Grace Andrews, sister of the bride, played the wedding march.
The bride wore a neat traveling costume with hat to match and carried a bouquet of bride's roses.
The bride and groom left at 4:30 on the same afternoon for Missouri where they will reside on a farm. They were accompanied by the groom's mother.
Miss Andres was quite well known in Decatur, having formerly made her home there. Mr. Seffens in the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. William Seffens of Ivesdale.
Mrs. R. B. Andrews of Macon was in the city Friday.
Decatur Herald (Decatur, Illinois) > 1906 > July > 6
Mrs. John Cassell will entertain Mrs. Anna Andrews, Mrs. Hattie Drake of Clinton, and Mrs. Esther Albert, of Milwaukee, this week.
Decatur Review (Decatur, Illinois) January 13, 1907
Miss Grace Andrews is visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles Drake of Clinton, who leaves next week for the Panhandle lands in Texas in company with her husband.
Decatur Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1907 > May > 5
A musical program has been arranged for Tuesday evening and beginning at 9 o'clock there will be dancing. The grand march will be led by Mr. Rhomine and Miss Grace Andrews. The Johnson and Levy orchestras will furnish the music.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, June 13, 1907
Wedding Set For Today
The wedding of Doy L. Romine and Miss Grace P. Andrews has been set for 4 o'clock this afternoon at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Frank Andrews. It will be performed by Rev. J. W. McDonald, pastor of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. The couple will leave for Denver to visit a week. Then they will go to Greeley, their future home. Mr. Romine formerly lived in Decatur and attended the James Millikin University. He went west some time ago but returned to be married. He got the marriage license Wednesday afternoon.
The Daily Review (Decatur Illinois) October 19, 1907
William Stivers and Miss Zula Andrews were married Friday evening by Rev. S. H. Bowyer, past of the First Baptist church, at the parsonage on North Jackson street. The couple left last night for Chicago. On their return they will live with the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R F Andrews, 1903 East William street. Mr. Stivers is the son of Mrs. Agnes Stivers. He is a graduate of the high school in the class of 1903 and is an employee of the Decature Bridge company.
The Daily Review (Decatur Illinois) October 26, 1907
Honeymoon in Chicago
Mr. and Mrs. William Stivers have returned from Chicago, where they had been spending their honeymoon. Mrs. Stivers was formerly Miss Zula Andrews. The Decatur Bridge company presented Mr. and Mrs. Stivers with two handsome rocking chairs. Mr. Stivers has been employed at the Decatur Bridge company's pant for four years. Mr. and Mrs. Stivers will reside with the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Andrews, 1903 East William street.
The Daily Review, Decatur Ill., March 18, 1908
Mr. and Mrs. Doy Romine of Colorado are visiting the latter's parents on East William street. Mrs. Romine was formerly Miss Grace Andrews of Decatur.
The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1909 > January > 6
Charles Drake is in Decatur after a visit in Clinton. He will go shortly in company with his wife to their home in Tulla, Tex.
The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois)
August 4, 1909
Mrs. Will Stivers and baby, Mildred, have returned home from Brimfield, after a two weeks' visit to relatives.
The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1909 > November > 24
Surprise for Mrs. Andrews
A surprise was given for Mrs. R. F. Andrews at her home, 256 North Park street, Saturday night, the occasion being her birthday. After refreshments were served the evening was spent in dancing.
The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Cassell, Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Cassell, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cassell, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Will Stivers, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cassell, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cassell and sons Berry and Ward, Mrs. Doy Romine, Mrs. Ella Danley, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Andrews and Harry and Mildred Andrews.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, March 27, 1910
Harry C. Andrews returned home Friday from a trip through Michigan.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, October 28, 1910
Eighty-Second Birthday
The eighty-second birthday of John Cassell at Niantic was celebrated Wednesday night, when a number of his Decatur relatives went out on an early car with packed lunch baskets and held a reunion. The evening was spent in a social manner and the party returned to this city on the last interurban car. Following is a list of those present:
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cassell, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cassell, Mrs. Anna Andrews and daughter, Harry Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. John Lineham, Mrs. Grace Romine, Mrs. Arthur Bray and two daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Will Stivers, Mrs. Charles Drake and family of Tulla, Tex.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illiniois, May 23, 1912
Brakeman R. H. Lewellen of the Vandalia local freight service with Conductor John Aubert is on the vacation list.
The Decatur Review, Decatur, Illinois, July 29, 1917
Harry C. Andrews is with Company L at Henderson, Ky. He sent the picture of himself to his mother, Mrs. R. F. Andrews, showing her how he looked on guard duty at the bridge. In his letter he said that it was almost time for him to go on duty again and it was pouring rain, but such things do not bother the men of Company L.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, August 24, 1918
Richard Lewellen, motorcycle officer and Will Keck, electrician in charge of the city police call system quit Monday. Mr. Lewellen will probably go south and engage in railroad work.
The Daily Review Decatur, IL September 12, 1918
Richard Lewellen and Miss Grace Andrews
Richard Lewellen, former Decatur motorcycle cop and Miss Grace Andrews of this city were married in Peoria at 4:20 o'clock Thursday, September 5, according to word received by relatives in Decatur.
Immediately after the wedding the couple left for Colorado to visit the bride's sister, Mrs. R. L. Seffens and other relatives and friends in the west. News of the wedding came as a big surprise to the friends of the couple in Decatur.
Mrs. Lewellen has been employed as cashier at the Decatur Railway and Light company's office in this city. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Andrews of the 1900 block on East Cantrell street.
Decatur Daily Review June 16, 1921
Harry C. Andrews
Funeral services for Harry C. Andrews will be conducted at the home of his wife's parents, mr. and Mrs. P. A. Fundan, 341 North Fifth street, at 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon. Stephen Decatur Lodge No. 979 A. F. and A. M. will be in charge of the services. Burial will be in Graceland cemetery.
Through an error no mention was made that Mr. Andrews' parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Andrews are living in Decatur.
June 19, 1921
The funeral of Harry Clyde Andrews was held at 4 0'clock Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Andrews' parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Fundan, 341 North Fifth Street. There was a large attendance. The members of Stephen Decatur lodge, A. F. and A. M., attended in a body. The services were conducted by Rev. T. Harley marsh, pastor of the First Baptist church, assisted by Rev. J. O. Todd, pastor of the First United Brethren church.
There were many beautiful floral tributes in charge of Mrs. J. Linehan, Mrs. T. Whitley, Mrs. T. Cassell, Mrs. B. P. Arthurs, Mrs. E. Erickson, Miss Alice Mercer, Miss mazie Arthurs and Mrs. J. W. Wayne.
The pallbearers were A. C. Acton, A. R. Reynolds, Tom Whitley, Henry Albright, Lawrence Kayser and Leroy E. Crapp. The internment was in Graceland cemetery, members of Stephen Decatur Lodge conducting their ritualistic exercises at the grave.
Florid, June 23, 1921
Mrs. Ella Danley was called to Decatur last Friday on account of the death of a nephew. Her sister, an old time friend of ours, has our sympathy as this is the third time she has been called upon to give up a boy and her last one too. Sometime we'll understand.
Florid, June 22, 1921
Mrs. Ella Danley received word last Thursday that the son of one of her sisters had passed away and that she should come. She left Friday morning for Decatur to be present at the funeral. Mrs. Danley will also spend an indefinite time visiting her aged father and other relatives while there.
Florid, July 16, 1924
Mrs. John Linnehan and aged father, John Cassell, Mrs. Frank Andrews all of Decatur, also Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cassell of Chicago came Monday for a visit with their sister and daughter, Mrs. Ella Danley.
Florid, July 17, 1924
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cassell of Chicago, John Cassell, Mrs. John Lineham and Mrs. Frank Andrews of Decatur came Monday night for a few days visit with Mrs. Ella Cassell Danley. John Cassell is 96 years old but stood the 100 mile trip by auto quite well.
Decatur Evening Herald (Decatur, Illinois) > 1928 > May > 28
Erma M. Cook, who told the court that her husband left her a month and four days after marriage, and hasn't returned yet, was granted a decree and the restoration of her maiden name, Erma Stivers.
Monday Evening, October 1, 1928
Decatur Herald, Decatur, IL
Former Oreana Resident Dies
Reuben F. Andrews died in the home of his daughter, Mrs. Richard Lewellyn in Sanderson, Tex., at noon Sunday. He had been making his home there for the past month. He was born in Orenta, Oct 22, 1848, but passed the greater part of his life in Decatur and Macon county. He leaves, besides the daughter with whom he had been living, four others, Mrs. Ethel Seffen, Denver, Col., Mrs. Charles Drake, Tulia, Tex., Mrs. Zula Stivers, Decatur and Mrs. George Bickes, Clinton. He also leaves one sister, Mrs. Frank Rosenbud, Butler, Mn., and one brother Izaar Andrews of Sangamon.
Mr. Andrews was a baker and before retiring about 10 years ago was with the Perry bakery in Decautr. He was a member of the United Brethren church. The body will arrive in Decatur at 7 o'clock Wednesday morning and will be taken to the Monson undertaking establishment. Funeral services will be conducted in the Monson chapel at 10 o'clock Thursday morning and burial will be in Harristown cemetery.