Decatur Republican (Decatur, Illinois) > 1876 > March > 16
Mary A. and Michael L. Cassell to Michael Gloden, ten acres in southeast or northeast qr sec 8, town 16, range 2 east - $600.
Decatur Daily Republican (Decatur, Illinois) > 1876 > April > 17
Michael Gloden to Michael L. Cassell s ht ne qr se qr ne qr, sec 8, town 16, range 2 east, and lot 3 of se qr ne qr sec 8, town 16, range 2 east - $800.
Decatur Daily Republican (Decatur, Illinois) > 1877 > January > 11
Common Law Docket
Mary Ann Cassell and Michael L. Cassell vs William Brewer appellant - Dismissed for want of prosecution.
Decatur Daily Republican (Decatur, Illinois) > 1880 > June > 24
Married at Decatur, Ill, June 23, 1880, by A. W. Palmer, Esq., Mr. William A. Love of Elmira, N.Y. and Miss Maggie Cassell, of Decatur, Ill.
Saturday Herald (Decatur, Illinois) > 1881 > September > 17
License to marry was granted yesterday to Wm. H. Bryant, of Camp Point and Almira Cassell of this city.
Saturday Herald (Decatur, Illinois) > 1881 > September > 17
Married at the residence of the bride's parents, corner of East North and Jasper streets, on Monday, September 12th by Justice T. B. Albert, Louis F. Bryant of Camp Point, Ill., and Miss Almira Cassell of Decatur.
Decatur Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1881 > April > 28
Miller Died on Tuesday afternoon at the residence of her grandfather, Mr. M. L. Cassell, Luella, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Daniel Miller, aged 8 years. The funeral will take place at the residence of Mr. Cassell on North street this forenoon at 10 oclock. The child was sick but a few hours and had just come in her grandpas for a short visit.
Decatur Review (Decatur, Illinois) December 9 1881
The funeral of the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Roberts, took place from the residence of its grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Cassell, at half-past 2 oclock yesterday p.m.
Saturday Herald (Decatur, Illinois) > 1886 > May > 29
The Divorce Record
Myra Bryant vs. Lewis F. Bryant
Saturday Herald (Decatur, Illinois) > 1886 > June > 19
Myra Bryant vs Lewis F. Bryant; divorce. Heard by court. Decree.
Review (Decatur, Illinois) January 26 1886
Delia Robert vs Isaac Roberts divorce. Decree pro confesso.
The Morning Review (Decatur, Illinois) February 3 1886
Delia Roberts vs Isaac Roberts divorce. Heard by court. Decree.
Taken from the Decatur Daily Republican
January 29, 1884
Michael Cassell and Mrs. T. B. Albert returned home yesterday evening from Florid. They left Joseph Cassell still very low.
Decatur Republican (Decatur, Illinois) > 1888 > November > 1
Married Sabbath evening, October 28, at the U. B. parsonage, by the pastor, Rev. J. W. Boggess, Mr. William Lambert and Miss Mattie Cassell, both of Decatur, Ill.
Decatur Morning Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1891 > July > 29
Charles H. Cassell of Decatur and Miss Margaret Ferguson of Paris, Ill., were married yesterday by Justice Provost at his office.
Herald Despatch (Decatur, Illinois) > 1891 > August > 1
Charles H. Cassell of Decatur and Miss Margaret Ferguson of Paris, Edgar county, were married by Justice P. B. Provost, at his office in Decatur, On Tuesday, July 28.
Decatur Morning Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1891 > August > 8
Born to Mr. and Mrs. William Lambert, 1066 East North street, on Aug. 7, a son, weight 12 pounds.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL
May 20 1892
Michael Cassell is sick at his home on East North Street.
The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1893 > January > 29
Mrs. Della Roberts is visiting in Champaign
The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1893 > February > 16
Birthday Party
A number of the friends gathered at the residence of Mrs. Mary F. Travis, 1356 East William street, last night to help her celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of her birth. An elegant supper was served and all enjoyed a pleasant evening. Those present were: Brainard Brinkman and wife, James Murphy and wife, M. Cassell and wife, Mrs. William Travis, Mrs. William Brown, Jennie Brinkman, .and Charles Travis.
The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1893 > April > 23
Mrs. C. H. Cassell and Mrs. Del Roberts went to Paris yesterday for an extended visit.
The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1894 > January > 3
A very happy New Years dinner was given by Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Cassell at their home on East North street to their children and grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Meisenhelter, Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Labaugh, Mr. and Mrs. Will Lambert, Mrs. Della Roberts and son George, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cassell, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Risley, Misses Lottie, Mabel and Zora Crawford, Harry Ray, Willie and Carl Lambert, Audley Risley.
Evening Bulletin (Decatur, Illinois) > 1896 > April > 27
State of Illinois, Macon County, In the Circuit Court of said Macon County, of the June Term, A. D. 1896. The Decatur Lumber and Manufacturing Company vs. Myra Meisenhelter, Ira Meisenhelter, John B. Butt and Belle Butt. In Chancery.
Affidavit of the non-residence of Myra Meisenhelter and Ira Meisenhelter, two of the above named defendants having been filed in the office of the clerk of the said Circuit Court at Macon County, notice is hereby given to the said Myra Meisenhelter and Ira Meisenhelter that the complaintant filed its bill of complaint in said court, on the chancery side thereof, of the 20th Day of April A D 1896, and that a summons thereupon issued out of said court against said defendants, returnable on the first day of June, 1896, and plead answer or demur to the said complainant's bill of complaint, the same, and the matters and things therein in charged and stated will be taken as confessed and a decree entered against you, according to the prayer of said bill.
E. McClellan
Clerk of the Circuit Court
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL
May 19 1896
Mrs. Michael Cassell is ill at her home on East North Street.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL
June 4, 1896
Mrs. Michael Cassell is quite sick at the family residence on East North Street.
Taken from the Decatur Daily Republican
June 11, 1896
Funeral of Mrs. William Lambert.
The funeral of Mrs. William Lambert will take place Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the First Methodist church. Mrs. Lambert is survived by a husband and three children, Willie, aged 7, Carol, aged 5, and Birneeta, aged four months, also by her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cassell and one brother and four sisters. They are C. H. Cassell, Mrs. Della Roberts, Mrs. K. H. Lobaugh, Mrs. C. W. Ray of this city and Mrs. M. Meisenhelter of Houston, Tex.
Daily Republican (Decatur, Illinois) > 1896 > June 11
Funeral of Mrs. William Lambert
The funeral of the late Mrs. William Lambert was held this afternoon at 3 o'clock at the First Methodist Church. The services were conducted by Rev. D. F. Howe and the burial was at Greenwood cemetery.
Daily Republican (Decatur, Illinois) > 1896 > June > 19
Mrs. Michael Cassell, who has been ill at her home at the corner of North
and Jasper streets is improving.
Daily Republican (Decatur, Illinois) > 1896 > June > 22
Mrs. Michael Cassell, who has been ill at her home on East North Street, is
Evening Bulletin (Decatur, Illinois) > 1896 > June > 20
Brakeman C. H. Cassell has reported for work after an absence of a few days on account of the illness of his mother.
Decatur Weekly Republican (Decatur, Illinois) > 1896 > July > 23
Death of Mrs. Cassell
Mrs. Mary Cassell died of dropsy at 6:30 o'clock Wednesday morning, July 22, at her home, No. 1163 East North street, aged 69. The deceased was born in Virginia. She afterward lived in Ohio and came to Decatur 29 years ago. She has been a member of the United Brethren church for the past nineteen years. She leaves five children. They are Mrs. Myra Meisenhelter, of Houston, Mrs. Della Roberts; Mrs. Margaret Ray, Mrs. Ira M. Lobough, and C. H. Cassell, all of this city.
The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the U. B. church. The services will be conducted by Rev. Sibole and the burial will be at Greenwood cemetery.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL
July 24, 1896
The funeral of Mrs. Mary A. Cassell was held at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon from the U. B. church and was very largely attended. The services were conducted by Rev. J. A. F. King and appropriate music was rendered by the choir of the church. The pall bearers were R. H. Johnson, David White, Fred Miller, D. Brinkman, H. Johnson and Henry Smith. The interment was at Greenwood.
Bulletin Sentinal, July 25 1896
Cassell - Mary A. Cassell died this morning at her home at 1152 East North street, of dropsey. Deceased was a native of Virginia, was born in 1827, and has lived in Decatur twenty-nine years. She leaves six children to mourn her loss, they are Mrs. Maria Meisenhelder, Houston, Texas; Mrs. Stella Roberts, Mrs. Margaret Ray, Mars. Ada Labaugh, C. H. Cassell of this city. There is also a son in Burlington, Iowa. The funeral will be held at the U. B. church tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. Burial at Greenwood.
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL
August 4, 1896
Mrs (Mr.). Michael Cassell is seriously ill at her home , No. 1155 East North Street.
Cottage Hill - July 26, 1898
Michael Cassell of Decatur is visiting his brother, Judge Cassell. Also Davie Albert of the same city is visiting and looking for work. Work in town seems hard to find for some at least.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL
December 4, 1898
ADD - Wanted, a few more first class meal boarders at the Cottage hotel, only 3 blocks to P. O. cor. Church and Eldorado. Rates $3 per week. Old Tel. 1744 Mrs. K. H. Lobaugh.
The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1898 > December > 28
Michael L. Cassel of 437 East William street fell while returning from church last Sunday evening and came near breaking his leg besides straining himself very badly. He will, in all probability, be laid up for some time to come on account of his advanced years. His sprains are very painful.
Monday, October 1, 1900
Michael Cassell is seriously ill at his home at N. Franklin Street.
Monday, November 12, 1900, page 4
He Had Lived in Decatur Since 1865
Michael L. Cassell, a veteran of the civil war and an old resident of Decatur, died at 4:30 p.m. Sunday, November 11, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Della Roberts, 307 North Franklin street, aged 76 years. Paralysis was the cause of death. For nine years, Mr. Cassell had been in poor health on account of a stroke of paralysis and last Tuesday, he suffered another stroke, which proved fatal. Michael Cassell was born in Harrisburg, Pa. And later lived in Iowa. He came to Decatur in 1865 and has resided in the city ever since. He was veteran of the Civil war having served as a member of Company K, 4th Iowa Volunteers. Mr. Cassell leaves five children all of whom were here at the time of his death excepting Charles Cassell, who lives in Missouri. The other are Mrs. Ira Meizenhelter, Mrs. Della Roberts, Mrs. C. W. Ray and Mrs. Ida Lobaugh. Mrs. Cassell died four year ago. Four brothers survive. They are Berry H. Cassell of Decatur, Henry and Gus Cassell of Putnam County and Squire John Cassell of Niantic. Mr. Cassell was a member of the United Brethren church and was devoted in his Christian faith. He was also a member of Dunham post, No. 141, G. A. R. The funeral will be held Tuesday. There will be services at the house at 2:30 o'clock and at the United Brethren church at 3 o'clock. Rev. M. B. Spayd will officiate and the burial will be at Greenwood cemetery.
The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1902 > October > 21
Mrs. Della Roberts of North Franklin street, who feared the the George Roberts killed in Ohio was her son, has had her fears set at rest by a letter from him saying he is safe and well. It was some other George Roberts that had the accident.
The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1903 > May > 16
Jacob Deardorff to Mrs. Della Roberts, lot 1 in block 3 of Carver's addition; $1,250.
The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1909 > October > 6
Mrs. Myra C. Meisenhelter
The funeral of Mrs. Myra Cassell Meisenhelter was held at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon from Monson & Willcox's chapel on North Main street. The services were conducted by Rev. E. H. Shuey, pastor of the United Brethren church. The interment was at Greenwood.
The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1911 > August > 16
Alfred Payne to Della Roberts, lot 13, block 3, third Rolling Mill addition and lot 1 block 3 S. C. Allen's sub division; $3,000.
The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1912 > April > 10
Della Roberts pleaded guilty to leasing property for immoral purposes and was fined $25 and costs.
The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1915 > April > 20
Mrs. Della Roberts has moved from the Hotel Main to 243 1/2 West Main street.
The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1916 > July > 19
Widow of Charles W. Ray is Victim of Complications.
Mrs. Margaret E. Ray, wife of Charles W. Ray, formerly of Decatur died at 5 o'clock Monday evening at her home in Peoria. Her death was caused by a complication of diseases, after an illness of nine months. Besides her husband she is survived by one son, Harry A. Love and a sister, Mrs. Della Roberts of Peoria, and a brother, Charles Cassell of Galveston, Texas.
The body was brought to Decatur Wednesday forenoon and taken to Morans chapel and the funeral was set for 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon with the interment in Greenwood.
The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois) > 1916 > July > 20
Mrs. Margaret E. Ray
The funeral of Mrs. Margaret E. Ray was held at 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon at Moran's chapel. The services were conducted by Rev. R. E. Henry, pastor of the First Christian church. There was a large attendance. The music was furnished by Mrs. Corydon C. Nicholson and Mrs. Roy Essick. The pallbearers were C. W. Lambert, Geo. Roberts, W. H. Lambert, Roy Ray, Amos Glatfelter and George Glatfelter. The interment was in Greenwood.
Decatur Evening Herald (Decatur, Illinois) > 1929 > January > 10
The body of Charles H. Cassell arrived in Decatur at 7:15 o'clock Thursday morning and was taken to Monson funeral home. Mrs. Cassell also arrived Thursday morning. Funeral services will be conducted at 1:50 o'clock Friday afternoon in the Monson chapel. Burial will be in Greenwood cemetery
Decatur Evening Herald (Decatur, Illinois) > 1930 > February > 27
Word has been received by Mrs. Della Roberts, 327 South Main street of the death of her sister, Mrs. Rebecca Hall in Iowa City, Iowa. Mrs. Hall was born Putnam County October 26, 1846. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cassell. She is survived by four sons, William S., Lawrence T., James F., and Wesley H. Hall, all of Iowa City, and two sisters, Mrs. Mary Perrin of Wellman Iowa, and Mrs. Della Roberts of Decatur. Funeral services will be conducted Thursday afternoon in Iowa City.