September 22, 1870 - Putnam County Items

Augustus Cassell offers himself to the people of Putnam county as an independent candidate for sheriff. Will submit his claims to a people’s convention of(if) one is held.

July 20, 1871

A. Cassell of Florid is an licensed auctioned for "little Put".


Wednesday, August 12, 1871

Augustus Cassell announces hisself in this paper as an auctioneer. Mr. C. has had considerable experience in Auctioneering and will not fail to suit all who call upon him.


The Trial of A. B. Gurnea

January 18, 1872

Putnam County News - Florid

On Saturday through the courtesy of P. S. Perley, Esq., and J. P. Worrell, Esq., ye editor saw, for the first time, the village of Florid, tucked in the edge of a wood in the southern part of Hennepin township. .....Our lawyers were called there to defend A. B. Gurnea, Esq., of Magnolia, from the charge of receiving stolen goods, which proved to be in a stray horse, about which there was a dispute of ownership, the suit being brought to bind Mr. Gurnea to next term in court. ....The evidence was not sufficient to warrant Justice I. W. Stewart to bind, but there was much irregular practice shown in the management of and running off of the horse. Friend Gurnea got clear, and we guess of all time, of all similar "complications." Messrs. Frank Whiting and A. Cassell were the attorneys of the "persecutors," and Messrs. Perley, Worrell and Allen for the defense. The trial was conducted in an honorable and fair way, and with an impartial hearing. We believe the verdict "was in accordance with the facts".

Thursday, April 8, 1872

Putnam County News - Other Towns

A. Cassell, Esq., while filing a circular saw was badly cut in the leg and arm by a revolution it made accidently.


Thursday, September 18, 1873

Died in Florid, Putnam county, September 5, Minnie, age 15 months, daughter of J. H. and Susan Cassell.

November 13, 1873 (Summary)

Augustus Cassell won the election for Judge over J. W. Hopkins by a margin of 171 votes, receiving 409 total votes. From Magnolia Twp - 123, Hennepin - 175, Granville - 97 and Snachwine - 74.

November 20, 1873

Putnam County News - Miscellaneous Items

We shook hand with A. Cassel, Esq., county judge elect on Monday. He feels none the worse for his election, - in fact is happy. We predict Judge Cassel will fill the position with ablility and fidelity.


December 18, 1873

Putnam County News

The supervisors met November 28, and the county officers elect, filed their bonds, Augustus Cassell as judge, A. J. Purviance as clerk, W. H. Zenor as treasurer, and J. H. Seaton as superintendant. The supervisors allowed a few bills and adjourned to December 23.

August 28, 1874

William Cassell was married to Mrs. Dunbar, formely Miss Edwards on the 16th inst.


September 24, 1874

At Florid, September 22, by Rev. Homer McVay of this city, Sidney Pool and Miss Isadora, daughter of Judge A. Cassell of F.

Putnam County News - Miscellaneous

Judge Cassell indulged in a wedding at his stately residence on Tuesday last, giving his daughter to Sidney Pool. It was a very pleasant affair, though the invitations were limited, and Mr. and Mrs. Cassell done all in their power to give the young couple a good "send off". May that "Pool" never be less.


February 25, 1875

A German on the Eames farm near Granville has been ajudged insane by Judge Cassell. Application has been made for him at Elgin. It is a bad case.


August 27, 1875

Henry H. Murphy and Miss Mary E. Cassell, daughter of Judge Cassell, were married by Reverend Bailey August 19. Both are residents of this county.


January 20, 1876

Mrs. Umbarger, sister-in-law of Judge Cassell died on the 17th instate, at the age of about 70 years.


August 12, 1876

Augustus Cassell, announces hisself in this paper as an auctioneer. Mr. C. has had considerable experience in Auctioneering and will not fail to suit all who call upon him.


April 26, 1877, Local Correspondence - Hennepin
A. K. Cassell and wife and daughter of Fairbury are guests of Mrs. Sandham.

Hennepin, May 24, 1877

County court convened Monday, Judge A. Cassell presiding.

September 6, 1877

Putnam County Politics

...Candidates will be plenty. For judge, John Swaney is mentioned for the republican nomination. .... Other candidates are Judge Cassell for re-election for judge, and Peter Feltes as an independent. ....


January 15, 1880 - Personal

A. K. Cassell and wife of Fairbury, are visiting relatives in this county. Mr. C. informs us that he is going to locate in Henry soon. - Hennepin Record

Putnam Record

Hennepin News, Wednesday, April 21, 1880

Judge Cassell was called home last Tuesday morning by the severe illness of his wife, paralysis we believe. Court was adjourned until Monday next. Further news from him Wednesday, he reported no hopes of her recovery.


April 22, 1880

This is county court week, but Judge Cassell adjourned court this morning on account of the serious illness of his wife.

Mrs. Judge Cassell of Florid was stricken with paralysis last Saturday and has been lying in a critical condition for some days. Her children were summoned including a married son, living in this city, employed at the harness shop of J. M. Krenz.

Hennepin News, April 29, 1880

County court in session this week. We overheard Judge Cassell saying to friends that his wife seemed to be improving slowly.

May 20, 1880

One of the important cases before Judge Cassell's court this week, was that of Emmet Morgan of Snachwine. It will be remembered that a few years ago Mr. Morgan was pronounced as not being of sound mind by a jury, and a conservator was appointed, and now this last suit was for the purpose of establishing the fact of his sanity, and his capability of managing his affairs himself. The humerous part of the affair, however, is that the last jury was composed partly of the same men who served on the first - Hennepin Record.


Cottage Hill, Wednesday, June 11, 1880

W. B. Cassell is shining the house of Josh Allen and son with paint brush


Florid, March 18.1881

Harrison Murphy buried one of his twin boys on Wednesday in the Florid cemetery.

Cottage Hill, June 11, 1880

W. B. Cassell in shining the house of Josh Allen and son with paint brush.

Wednesday, June 10, 1881

A friend informed us that A. K. Cassell, (Soda) of Henry, narrowly escaped being seriously injured, if not killed on Thursday of last week. He was passing along the stret and near a building upon which was being put a new tine roof when the wind which was blowing pretty strong, caught the tine and lifted it off the roof, barely missing Mr. Cassell. A portion of the chimney of the building was knocked off, some of the bricks striking Mr. C. on the head and inflicting slight wounds. It was a close call but we presume Soda is glad that the old adage "A miss is as good as a mile" was verified in this instance.

Wednesday, July 16, 1881

Esquire Cassell has taken up the business of auctioning and will attend promptly to crying sales when called upon.


Hennepin News, August 18, 1881

A. K. Cassell and family of Henry are visiting friends here.



During the storm last Saturday, a whirlwind twisted off quite a number of trees in Judge Cassell's orchard and carried twenty or thirty rods into the timber. J. H. Cassell and family took refuge in the cellar while the house shook like a leaf. The strangest feat was the carrying of a tub of water, 15 paces and setting it down without spilling the water.


February 16, 1882

Born in this city, Feb. 11, a daughter to A. K. Cassell, and granddaughter to Judge A. Cassell of Florid.


July 20, 1882

Neighborhood News - Mineral Springs

Sidney Pool shipped a carload of cattle not long ago.


October 19, 1882

A new nightwatch at J. H. Cassell's at Cottage Hill. It's a girl.

Cottage Hill, June 7, 1883

W. B. Cassell is building a hay and cow shed for Anthony Reevy, which will require near 30,000 shingles to cover it.

Cottage Hill, November 20, 1884

W. B. Cassell has purchased the residence of Ellen Baar in Castleton - consideration $250.

September 17, 1885

Died, Mrs. Mary, wife of Judge Augustus Cassell of Cottage Hill of paralysis, September 10, age 72 years. Besides her aged husband, 7 children mourn her passing, two have preceded her in death. Burial was made in the Florid cemetery.


September 17, 1885

Mrs. Augustus Cassell

The last sad rites of the living to the dead were paid the venerable WIFE OF JUDGE AUGUSTUS CASSELL, at Cottage Hill, on Saturday. She departed this life on Thursday. She had been an invalid for upwards of five years. In the year 1880 she was stricken with paralysis, which no doubt shortened and ended her life. MARY BAER was born in Dauphin County, PA., Feb. 3, 1813; married to Mr. Cassell at Harrisburg, Pa., in 1833, having lived 52 years happily with her aged husband; nine children were born, seven surviving their stricken parent. Their residence in Putnam county dates back to 1836 - 49 years. Naturally of a thoughtful and religious mold of mind, Mrs. Cassell united with the church in early life, first the Lutheran, and afterwards the Wesleyian Methodists.  Exemplary in all her ways, kindly and generous in her impulses and offices, an excellent wife and mother, a noble hearted, Christian woman has completed life work, and in the triumphs of a living faith, has gone home to everlasting rest. Sweet peace.


Oct. 18, 1885

Miss Ida Foster was conducted by her physicians, Drs. Cowens of Henry and Jones of Hennepin to Peoria last Friday where a medical board of the Cottage hospital amputated her arm at the shoulder joint and pronounce by all present to be quite satisfactory, every thing considered, and the patient is getting along quite nicely. The operation was necessary due to a tumor or unusual growth near the shoulder. - Cottage Hills Item.


May 27, 1886

Born in Hennepin township, Putnam county, May 24, a son to Sidney Pool

July 1, 1886
Mineral Springs

Sidney Pool came back from Nebraska, so well pleased with Sharon County, that he took up a homestead. He has a public sale tomorrow (Friday) at which he will dispose of a large amount of stock and hay. He expects to go west in February.

Whitefield, July 22, 1886

Mrs. Cassell and Irena Dunbar were guests of Mrs. D. C. Updegraph last week.

Putnam Record

September 3, 1886

W. B. Cassell of Cottage Hill reports a new girl at his home.


September 16, 1886

A. and W. B. Cassell have their new hydraulic cider press in working order and have made some 40 barrels of cider. The press has a pressure of 125 tons and a capacity of 30 barrels per day. After the barrels are filled, they are lifted into the wagons by crane, which makes it handy. Call and see the press work.

November 25, 1886

The newly elected officers will take possession of their respective offices the first Monday in December. The change will not be very extensive as Judge Cassell succeeds himself as Judge and A. T. Purviance succeeds himself as county clerk. The changes will be in treasurer, sheriff, and county superintendent of schools.


March 10, 1887

Three of the Foster family near Judge Cassell's are sick with whats said to be typhoid fever. They are the grandchildren of the Judge.

April 21, 1887

Last Wednesday a fire broke out in the timber near where Nick Burr lives three or four miles south of Hennepin and in a short time it had reached Joseph Etshite's timber. Mr. Etshite immediately summoned help and the command went to fight the fire. They fought it nearly all night and thought it had been subdued. Thursday morning it broke out again and started directly raging towards the village of Florid. The alarm was given and almost the entire population turned out to fight it and by evening had it under control and by close watch it was prevented from breaking out again. Many dollars worth of fences were burned on the farms of Joseph Etshite, Sam Willis and Gus Cassell, also many cords of wood burned. Much damage was done to the timber also which will be hard to estimate as many of the trees were burned up a considerable distance.

Oxbow, April 21, 1887

We hear that Mrs. Sidney Pool and Mrs. Adam Halblibe think of starting west in two weeks.


December 8, 1887

Mrs. Sidney Pool of Cottage Hill, daughter of Judge Cassell, with her children started today to join Sid on the new homestead in southwestern Nebraska.


May 24. 1888

Ada Murphy of west Oxbow, was the guest of her little schoolmate, Ina B. Morris, Saturday and Sunday. Come again Ada, it makes Ina so happy to see you.

Hennepin, July 12, 1888

Judge Augustus Cassell left Monday for Nebraska to visit his daughter Mrs. Sidney Pool.

Cottage Hill, July 19, 1888

Judge Cassell has gone to Nebraska

Cottage Hill, September 13, 1888

Wm. Cassell has begun the manufacture of cider with his hydraulic press.

November 29, 1888

William Shields had a sale last Saturday. The redoubtable Bill Cassell was the auctioneer.

Oxbow, April 18, 1889

Leslie Foster, the young man working for E. C. Hiltebrand, is on the sick list. He went home last Friday to recuperate.

Oxbow, May 9, 1889

Leslie Foster took in the excursion to Peoria Sunday from Henry; don’t know what kind of time they had. Would think the wind was rather high to make it pleasant sailing.

Hennepin, August 8, 1889

Judge Cassell and W. H. Casson took a little fishing excursion Tuesday morning. They report a catch of 10 fish.

Mrs. Mary Cassell of Chicago and Miss Dunbar of Cottage Hill were in the city Tuesday.

Oxbow, August 15, 1889

The matrimonial noose was slipped over the heads of Gus Foster and Rena Dunbar last Thursday eve. May their joys be as dep as the ocean, and their sorrows as light as its foam. They take up their abode with A. D. Hiltabrand, moving in sometime this week.

Prospect Hill, August 15, 1889

Gus Foster took unto himself a wife last Thursday. Rena Dunbar was the chosen helpmate for life. We wish them a happy and prosperous journey down life's pathway, and may all their troubles be few.

Oxbow, September 12, 1889

Leslie Foster, who has been working with E.C. Hiltabrand during the summer, hied himself off for Missouri this morning, to see his gal, as he says. That is right, Leslie, don’t forget your gal.


Oxbow, February 20, 1890

Mrs. A. C. Foster is quite sick with the grippe but is some better at this writing.


Cottage Hill, April 7, 1890

Jim Cassell of 15 summers also caught an old mother fox 10 days ago.


Hennepin, May 8, 1890

County court was in session this week with Judge Cassell on the bench.

Oxbow, July 17, 1890

We are sorry again to report the illness of Mrs. A. C. Foster of heart trouble. She has been dangerously sick but is some better at this writing. Hope she will soon be restored to her usual health.


Oxbow Thursday, July 31, 1890

A Miss Cassell of Chicago is visiting with the family of H.H. Murphy and others in the Bow.

Oxbow, September 18, 1890

A. C. Foster will leave old Oxbow next week, locating near Cottage Hill and we hear Cal Lambert expects to hitch traces with Lizzie Bosley of the Hill this week and taking the place. Mr. Foster vacated with A. D. Hiltebrand.


December 18, 1890

W. B. Cassell is "still in the ring" for crying sales. He is so well known by our East side readers as a popular cryer that our calling attention to it will be a reminder that will not be forgotten. He is an excellent judge of stock and merchandise and knows the secret of swaying the crowd. He always gives satisfaction wherever employed.


February 5, 1891

Miss Ida Foster, the one armed girl, made her parents a present of a cow for New Years. What an example for the two armed young men who can't make ends meet one year with another.


Oxbow, February 26, 1891

Gus Foster, wife and little daughter, all of Cottage Hill, were visiting with A. G. Hilderbrand and family last week.


July 16, 1891

We are pleased to learn through the Chicago papers that Miss Florence Cassell, we know her better as little Kinney Cassell, graduated with honors from the Emerson School in that city recently being valedictorian in a class of 32 pupils and also receiving the Foster medal for highest average in scholarship for the year. Miss Florence is a granddaughter of Judge Cassell and was for many years a resident of Hennepin.


Thursday, Aug. 6, 1891

Miss Et Cassell of Steele City Nebraska is visiting at the Hill, also Mrs. Soda Cassell and daughter of Chicago are visting friends here about.


Oxbow October 15.1891

Ada Murphy, daughter of H.H. Murphy, has been very sick with some kind of fever but is some better at this writing. Hope she will soon recover


Oxbow. December 3.1891

The ladies of Oxbow and vicinity made a Crazy Worsted Quilt presented to Rev. Bliss on Thanksgiving day. It almost took the good brother by storm, but he was equal to the occasion and was just angry enough to eat fried chicken. The presentation speech was read by Mrs. H. H Murphy. They also received some vegetables and some fruit. Below will be found the names of those donating to the quilt and presentation speech.

Mrs. H.H. Murphy, Mrs. N.J. Mathis, Mrs. A.G. Hildebrand, Mrs. Eddie Hildebrand, Mrs. W.F. Trone, Mrs. Hugh Chestnut, Mrs. Lizzie Zenor, Mrs. G. Gregory, Mrs. Joseph Boyle, Mrs. W.J Smith, Mrs. B.F. Law, Mrs. L.J. Feister, Mrs. I. Munis, Mrs. F.P. Funk, Mrs. M.E. Ackley, Mrs. W.J. Huber, Misses -Lila Hildebrand, Ella Hildebrand, Ida Foster. Ada Murphy, Bertha Smith, Kate Ranson, Nora B. Shields


Hennepin, February 4, 1892

Judge Gibons of Princeton occupies the bench of the county seat this week in Judge Cassell's place on account of the Judge's severe illness.


Hennepin. Aug. 11 1892

Willie, son of H.H. Murphy had an attack of something like a spasm contracting the muscles, causing the boy to be unconscious for some time. We hear the doctor says it is an infection of the spine. As he is much better at this time, hope it will prove to be nothing serious.


Hennepin, September 15, 1892

J. B. Albert, I. Reichwine, August Cassell and John Deininger of Florid, leave Thursday for Washington.


Cottage Hill, October 13, 1892

I wrote a few years ago about a present of a cow by Ida Foster, a one armed girl to her father. A year or two later, the children chipped in and sent their father to his old home in New York. Now again they have thrown together their mights and have the lumber on hand for a new house and carpenters are now at work. The old log cabin will soon be dumped into the wood pile.


Oxbow November 24. 1892

H.H. Murphy now occupies the farm he erected on N.J. Mathis farm. He had rented the Mathis farm for the ensuing year.

Quaker Lane, December 22, 1892

Con Holocker was married last Thursday to Rena Foster of Cottage Hill.

January 19, 1893

Local and State Items

One of the most social events of the season came off at the residence of W. B. Cassell at Cottage Hill, Putnam County on the 6th, inst., where Judge Cassell invited all of the poor of the neighborhood down to the 4th class to a feast and thereby to help him pass his 80th mile post of life's journey. Even some of the courthouse officials of Hennepin were there and you aught to have seen them gnaw at the turkey bone and good things in general. About 80 enjoyed the judge's hospitality and no one enjoyed it better than he. To cap the climax, Rev. Bliss in a neat little speech, in behalf of the friends, presented the judge with an elegant reclining chair, for his declining days.


March 16, 1893

Elisha Henning of Mt. Palatine, who has been attending school here the past winter, had to quit and go home last Friday. Spring work on the farm prevented him from remaining in school any longer.

April 13, 1893

Last Saturday Mrs. Edward Foster of Cottage Hill and Mrs. A.K. Cassell of Chicago started to see a little niece of theirs in a road car when about a mile and a half on their journey or a little below the residence of Lawrence Lippard, Mrs. Foster pulled to one side to escape a rut in the road, when the opposite wheel struck the end of a log, tilting the cart and throwing Mrs. Cassell clear off. Mrs. Foster had one foot fast between the slats and the foot rest and was thrown over the shaft and into the wheel. The horse started to run, dragging the body over the ground and in the wheel over the rough road, rocks, bridges and for 1/2 a mile, in the creek - the distance of four miles. There was hardly a limb in the body of the woman that wasn't broken. It is supposed that her neck was broken at the start. She was a daughter of Judge Cassell and leaves a husband and several children. We lay her to rest tomorrrow at Florid.


Quaker Lane, April 13, 1893

On Saturday Mrs. Foster of Cottage Hill, with a sister-in-law, were riding in a cart near Lawrence Lippert’s; one wheel ran over a log, throwing Mrs. Foster forward, head touching the ground and feet caught, and her sister-in-law out. The horse became frightened and ran; when it passed the Ham place, Ella Ham followed them to the camp meeting ground where she lost the trial. All were found by the Siebert Bros in Sam Zebley’s pasture on the Fyffe land. The woman was literally dragged to death, distance nearly three miles from the place of starting. Mrs. F. was a daughter of Judge Cassell. She leaves a husband and several children, one Mrs. Holocker, living on the lane. Funeral on Tuesday, interment at Florid.


December 7, 1893

Last spring William Foster in the employ of Powers, on the Heacock farm, was severely hurt by being struck by a rebounding hay pole, which laid him up for tow or three months. On Friday last, a more terrible misfortune befell him. He was over on the island and was chopping wood. He sent the sharp ax through the great toe, splitting it lengthwise, then glancing it passed down into the foot along the base of his toes. It was a most shocking sight. This disabled man was immediately removed to Frank Woods nearby and Doctors Forrest and Gregory summoned. They decided to amputate the toe, which they did, then put the parts together and bandage them, rendering the patient as comfortable as possible. It was a most terrible affliction for the young man and will render him a cripple for life, as well as lay him up for some time. He seems to have come from an unfortunate family. Less than a year ago, his good mother met a shocking death in a runaway near her home and his sister had an arm amputated. Great sympathy is felt for Mr. Foster in this second misfortune.

Hennepin, March 8, 1894

Circuit court is in session this week, also county court. Judge Cassell in the latter and Judge Shaw upon the bench of the former.

Oxbow March 8. 1894

H.H. Murphy moved with his family to their new home in Whiteside county'. He has rented a farm in aforesaid county.

Hennepin, August 22, 1895

Judge Cassell was in the city Wednesday. He took dinner with A. T. Purviance and family.

Hennepin, April 16, 1896

Ex-county judge Cassell of  Toluca was in the city Tuesday shaking hands with old friends and associates. The judge is looking fine.


Florid, September 2, 1897

Augustus Cassell took a load of apples to Spring Valley last Tuesday. He reports a poor apple sale in Spring Valley.


AUGUST 18, 1898

Cottage Hill, August 16, 1898

Our school building is being overhauled by carpenters, W. B. Cassell and Henry Alleman. Mr. Lowl of Magnolia is to teach this fall commencing the first Monday in September.

SEPTEMBER 15, 1898

Cottage Hill, September 15, 1898

A. K. Cassell and wife of Chicago were callers at the Hill yesterday and tested our pumpkin pie, fried chicken, etc.

September 29, 1898

A. K. Cassell of Chicago was shaking hands with old friends in Hennepin last Friday. He came down to visit his aged father and W. B. at Cottage Hill. Mrs. Cassell has been here some two weeks.


Florid, February 9, 1899

W. B. Cassell was among the throng at our leading grocery store Monday.


Cottage Hill, February 10, 1899

Judge Cassell has been bothered with chills for several days and is hard to tell what the outcome will be. His son J. H. of Granville, is waiting on him. Edward Foster has also had to keep close to the fire.

The Hennepin Herald

March 2, 1899 - Cottage Hill

Judge Cassell is around again.

Jab. Foster will commence working at William Zimmerman's at Mt. Palatine in March.

March 9, 1899 - Florid News

Judge Cassell is around again all right.

Leslie Foster was a business caller to Peru Saturday.


Cottage Hill, March 9, 1899

Judge Cassell is around again all right

Mrs. Dora Pool left here last week for her home at Lodge Pole, Nebraska, going via Chicago.

Taken From the Hennepin Herald

May 4, 1899

William B. Cassel and M. Bosley were registered at the King House Friday.

May 18, 1899

A. Cassell of Chicago is visiting his aged father and other relatives

Cottage Hill - May 16

A. K. Cassell is also a visitor hereabouts, and looking after the old homestead which he has recently purchased.

Taken From the Putnam Record

Cottage Hill, June 15, 1899

Augustus Pool and Mr. Hoskins of Chicago are visiting friends here about and they ride their wheels nearly 40 knots an hour.


August 10, 1899

Mrs. Mollie Cassell of Chicago came to the Hill country yesterday for a short outing.

Cottage Hill, October 12, 1899

Jabaz Foster will give a gramaphone entertainment at Strawn next Friday evening, the 13th - admission 10 and 15 cents.

November 23, 1899

Mrs. W. B. Cassell and daughter Bessie of Cottage Hill visited relatives in Hennepin the first of this week.

December 7, 1899, Cottage Hill

William Foster has been on the sick list the past week but was reported better yesterday.

Cottage Hill, February 20, 1900

Mrs. Dora Pool of Nebraska, who has been to Chicago to visit her son Augustus, who has been sick but is better, is now calling on her father, ex-judge Cassell and other friends here about.

Ella Murphy and Anna Eisenhouer of Tampiko, Whiteside County are visiting their old homes.


Judge Cassell is a little better and manages to get out and saw wood for exercise and to keep warm.


Local News, March 29, 1900

Myrtle Cassell, of near Florid, gave her account of how John Dunbar drove her away from her home in Putnam county, took her to Lacon, 18 miles distant, where by threats of killing bother her and himself if she did not marry him, she consented to the marriage. She was only 18, an innocent country girl, unused to the ways of the world, and feared to accost anyone and tell them of her predicament on account of Dunbar's threats. When they reached her home that night she told her folks what had happened. They drove Dunbar away, with her consent, and she has never seen him since. She knew at the time that Dunbar had a wife and children in Kansas. She has now moved into LaSalle county, in Eden township, where she lives with her parents. Her brother accompanied her here today. R. M. Barnes of Lacon is her attorney. The case is peculiar in many ways and goes to prove that Myrtle Cassell, though an innocent country girl, had the grit after all not to allow Dunbar to ruin her life. That he is a scoundrel need not be related here. Miss Cassell told a Free Trader reprensentative today that she had received a letter from which convinces her that Dunbar went from Putnam county to Iowa, where he has married again. - Free Trader


Wednesday, April 18, 1900

Cottage Hill, April 10

Judge Cassell is troubled to get his breath in bed and has to sit up most of the time.

W. B. Cassell was called to Henry the first of the week to go carpentry work for the firm he has worked for, for several years.

Cottage Hill, April 24, 1900

Judge Cassell is much better and looks as though he will be able to go fishing in the near future.

Hennepin, Wednesday, July 11, 1900

A. K. Cassell of Chicago, passed through Hennepin last Saturday evening on his way to visit his father near Cottage Hill. Soda, as he is familiarly called, has been in poor health for some time and comes down to his old home to breath the fresh air of the country, hoping it may be beneficial.

Cottage Hill, September 4, 1900

W. B. Cassell and O. W. Allen went to Decatur to pay the last tribute to their uncle, Thomas Albert, last Saturday.

Cottage Hill, September 11, 1900

Uncle Ed Foster and Ida went to Tampika to visit John Eisenhour as he expects err long to make his home in Iowa. Will and Jabez Foster have also rented land out there and expect to farm for a business.

Cottage Hill, September 25, 1900

Judge Cassell is in poor health and has a hard time getting his breath. He is nearing 88 years and can't expect to stay here many years more.

Cottage Hill, October 2, 1900

Judge Cassell's health is still poor but he enjoys a good talk with old friends.

Cottage Hill, November 6, 1900

C.D. Moulfair is home from Chicago to vote for McCinley, also Jabez Foster from near Ogelsby.


Cottage Hill, December 18, 1900

Mrs. Ella Werling (nee Foster) her husband and 3 children, also of Iowa were at home this week. The entire family of Fosters, nine in all, had a reunion and had their pictures taken in Hennepin.

Cottage Hill, Janaury 22, 1901

Judge Cassell is now in very poor health and talks as though the end is near.

Cottage Hill, January 29, 1901

Judge Cassell is quite low and the death messenger may come at any time. His son A. K. of Chicago, and Mrs. Murphy, a daughter of Tampiko are here waiting on him with other relatives. His mind seems to be bright as ever but he seems anxious to go up yonder.

Cottage Hill, February 12, 1901

Judge Cassell passed to the other shore, last Friday at 8:00 a.m. and was buried in Florid yesterday. Rev. Bliss officiating and the church was filled with sympathizing friends. He had passed his 88th year and several days before he died I heard him exclaim "Jesus, Jesus, let me to thy bosom, fly!" in the Christian life that he has manifested in life work, we feel that he is safe on the other shore. Undertaker Keller was in attendance and had to have four horses to get through the snow drifts, while others used their sleighs and sleds.

Wednesday, February 13, 1901


Judge Augustus Cassell.

January 3, 1913 and February 8, 1901 are the dates by which are identified the life of Augustus Cassell. One whose long life was one of activity and usefulness. A kind and loving friend and neighbor, none knew him but to love and honor him. Augustus Cassell was born in Lebanon County, Pennsylvania January 3, 1813. Coming west in 1836 and settling in Putnam county. His wife was formerly Miss Mary Baar, to whom he was married November 14, 1833, she being also a native of Lebanon. To his union were born 9 children, John H., William B., Sarah A., Allson K., Rufus L., Mary E., Isador, Augustus and Sidney. Three of which the reaper of death hath gathered into his fold. Both himself and wife were member of the Methodist church. Mr. Cassell was a cabinet maker by trade and very ingenious in the use of tools. For several years, he owned and conducted a steam saw mill, and was once in the mercantile business at Florid. He was elected county judge in 1872 and again in 1876 and was Justice of the peace for 27 years. Mr. Cassell's last sickness was of but short duration, although he had been failing in health for some time. But patiently he bore it, and seemed waiting to be born by angel's hands to that celestial home above, where we'll never know a sorrow when we are there. Many times during the day, he spoke of ging home to Jesus. The remains were taken to Florid and placed beside those of his wife and children, Monday, February 11, at 10:00 a. m.


Florid, February 14, 1901

The remains of Judge Cassell of Cottage Hill were interred at Florid, Monday, Feb. 11th, the Rev. James Bliss officiating, Undertaker, G. W. Keller of Henry.

Mortuary Record, February 14, 1901

Augustus Cassell

Another of the early settlers of Putnam county, after a long life of usefulness and fullness of days, has been gathered unto the fathers. He was a native of Lebanon Co. PA, born in 1813. His wife was also a native of the same town, a Miss Mary Baer, where they were married November 14, 1833. They came west in 1836, settling in Putnam county, where his life has been spent. He was the father of seven children, four boys and three girls. He was a cabinet maker by trade, a skilled mechanic and ingenious in the use of tools. He was an extensive farmer, owning a fine farm at Cottage Hill, which was his home. For several years he owned and conducted a steam saw mill and was once in the merchantile business at Florid.

In politics, he was a staunch republican and during his prime held a number of offices of trust. He was a justice of the peace for 30 years and a wise counselor and just judge. He was elected county judge in 1872 and so honorably and faithfully did he serve in this high office that he was elected for several terms. ….. Judge Cassell was an upright man, neighbor, friend, husband and father, led a worthy, useful life, and lived to a ripe old age. The funeral was held on Monday and was largely attended, Rev. James T. Bliss officiating.


Cottage Hill, March 12, 1901

William and Allson Foster started yesterday for Thorton, Iowa, where they have been employed to work on the farm and Jabez went to Palatine to work for Mr. Zimmerman his second year.

Cottage Hill, May 13, 1901

W. B. Cassell has packed up his tools and joined his old employer on the other side of Henry.

Cottage Hill, July 9, 1901

Miss Etta Cassell and Harley Ash, both of Chicago are here visiting friends here about.

Cottage Hill, July 30, 1901

Miss Etta Cassell left here last week for her home in Chicago going via Henry.


Toluca, Marshall Co., Illinois, Friday, August 18, 1901

A Fishing Party

A fishing party was made up here last week to make captives of the Illinois river fish on a wholesale scale. Extensive preparations were made by way of purchasing line - miles of it - hooks by the hundred, preparing and stocking a big commissary wagon, and besides a big empty wagon to carry home the fish, all other necessary paraphernalia that goes to make up the outfit of professional fisherman. The party, nineteen in number, pulled up stakes in the afternoon and started on the overland trip. As the shades of night were falling to the accompaniment of a gentle rain, that was also falling, the party pitched their tent and lit their campfires on the banks of the raging Illinois. After partaking of a bountiful supper the great work of hauling in the fish was begun. Messrs., Cassell, Parker and Gibbs, experts at the business, run a trot line across the river. A few of us had only a limited knowledge of handling the throw line, but J.A. Burcham, who assured us that he was raised on the river, and knew all about it, volunteered to teach us. He took up a line and swung it gracefully in a circle for a few seconds - all the time telling the novices to watch how it was done, when he let go, and the four hooks flew in the opposite direction and caught a crow’s nest in the top of a tree twenty feet high. Notwithstanding this error or foul, for the rest of the night we had great luck. It is not the intention of the writer to convey the impression that we captured all the fish in that portion of the river, for we are quite sure we did not. We are sure, because after we quit, we saw a big fish come up to the shore, grab J..W. Parker’s hat and run off with it. We had to run him down with the boats to get the hat. Notwithstanding that it was more or less rainy, all the members of the party report having had a most enjoyable time. They returned home late Sunday evening. The party was composed of A.S. and Mrs. Gibbs, Howard, Clarence and Edith Gibbs, L.D. and Mrs. Cassell, J.W. Parker and Mrs. Parker, J.A. and Mrs. Burcham and son, Mrs. J.D. Winans and little son, E. Redman, Miss Edna Ingram, Miss Emily Litchfield, J.M. Breen and Mrs. Breen.


August 28, 1901

Mrs. A. K. Cassell of Chicago visited her friends in Hennepin the latter part of last week and is now visiting friends at Florid and Cottage Hill. She is accompanied by a relative Miss Mabel Pool, also of Chicago.


Toluca, Marshall Co. Illinois, Friday, August 30, 1901 - PAGE ONE

All in Favor of Light

There was a fairly good representation of citizens and taxpayers at the meeting Tuesday night, B. Anschicks was chairman and L.D. Cassell secretary. Two representatives of the Practical Gas Co. of Chicago were present and explained the working of their gas ..... of a pant, etc. Mr. Weg. of Rutland was present and spoke on the merits of electric light. He also referred to the proposition he had before the city council of Toluca. After a general talk on the need of light of some kind, a motion was made and unanimously carried to the effect that all present at the meeting were in favor of having light. It was conceded that it was the duty of the city council to select the kind of light most suitable, make contract for the same and grant the necessary franchise, etc. D.M. Wood, in behalf of the Toluca Electric Light and Power Company, stated that the Toluca Company would submit a proposition to the Toluca city council at the next meeting, in which they would agree to furnish as good a light at a price as reasonable as any other company. Mr. Porterfield seconded the statement made by Mr. Wood. All were a unit in agreeing that we were in need of light and that we ought to have light. It was 10:30 p.m. before the meeting adjoined.

Toluca, Marshall Co. Illinois, Friday, September 13, 1901


A party consisting of H.E. and Mrs. Hatten, L.D. and Mrs. Cassell, A.S. and Mrs. Gibbs, and Miss Martin of Louisianna, spent Sunday fishing and picnicking at Big Sandy.


Cottage Hill, September 20, 1901

Mrs. A. K. Cassell left last Friday for Henry and then for her home in Chicago.

Cottage Hill, October 16, 1901

A. K. Cassell of Chicago was visiting about Cottage Hill and Hennepin last week.

Cottage Hill, November 6, 1901

The wedding bells have been ringing for two weeks past and Miss Peoria Cassell is to capture a Mr. Rowe from west of Henry tomorrow. May it be a happy row.

December 11, 1901

E. G. Henning, son of John Henning of Hennepin, who went to the west a few months ago has returned and will make Kewanee his home for the present. He went to Idaho but the climate did not agree with him, so he thought best to return to old Illinois. He was unable to get a house in Kewanee to live but being a carpenter, he bought a lot and is building a house on it.


February 7, 1902

Sunday Night Blaze

About 10 o’clock Sunday night the Mike Johanas saloon building on north Main street was discovered to be on fire. Someone rang the fire bell and a few of the members of the fire company who heard the bell, assisted by volunteers, got out the hose carts on double quick time, and hastened to the scene of the fire. The couplings with the city hydrants were quickly made, and in remarkably short time they had a stream of water playing on the fire. It could be seen at a glance that it was impossible to save the saloon building, so the fire laddies confined their efforts to saving the Roberts store building, which was connected to the saloon building by a hall, and this they succeeded in doing. The night was bitterly cold and as they poured water on the roof and down the north side on the Roberts building the water was almost instantly converted into solid coat of ice. This ice is what saved the Roberts building, and in fact every building in that block, possibly all the frame buildings on Santa Fe avenue east of the bank. The Johanes place was totally destroyed with all his stock of liquors, the fixtures, etc. The building was owned by Frank Margis. Building and stock were insured, but we did not learn the amount of insurance carried. The members of the fire company and the other citizens who assisted them are entitled to unstinted praise for their heroic efforts in keeping the fire from spreading. Among the members of the fire company present we noticed: J.J. Bamrick the chief, John Foster, Joe and Frank Gerardo, Chas Schuler, O.A. Scherer, James Fay, L.D. Cassell and Hugh Duggan. Among the volunteers who did equally good work with the firemen were A.S. Gibbs, Frank Sinzen, Billie O’Brien, Jim Hines, W.M. Sullivan, Frank Murray Judge Murphy, J.A. Burcham, and George Reitz. A.S. Gibbs was among the hardest workers in fighting the fire demon, but all worked hard and rendered splendid service in checking the spread of the flames. To fully appreciate the value of the work done by the fire fighters on would have to be there, with the thermometer between 10 and 12 below zero. All honor to the brave boys.


Cottage Hill March 3, 1902

Mrs. W.B. Cassell visited her daughter Mrs. W.W. Rowe, who lives west of Henry and also her sister Mrs. O. W. Allen, who has been in very poor health since Thanksgiving. Her son Harry, accompanied her.

Willie Foster, who has been visiting his relatives here, has returned to Iowa to farm this year.

A. K. Cassell and wife of Chicago will move into the home place with A. K. bought of his father. We welcome them and wish them success in this their new undertaking.


Jabez Foster, who has been working in Palatine and Tonica the past year, is spending a few days at home, before beginning spring work. His brother Allson will stay at home this year and farm part of Mark Kay's land.

Mrs. H. P. Alleman and Bessie Cassell spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Allen of Henry. They reported of Mrs. Allen being able to be about the house.


Mrs. W.B. Cassell is in Henry with her sister Mrs. O.W. Allen, who is to be taken to Chicago this evening to undergo another surgical operation. Mrs. Allen has been sadly afflicted and we hope the operation may be successful and prove beneficial.

J.B. Foster is to begin work for Dan Williams of Mr. Palatine this morning.

The younger child of Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Foster, has been quite sick with bronchitis. Another older child has been sick also.

Cottage Hill, March 25, 1902

Mrs. W.W. Rowe of Henry spent pan of last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Cassell.

A. K. Cassell arrived from Chicago March 17 and is getting his home in readiness for his wife, who will be here in a week or so.

Cottage Hill, April 8, 1902

Mrs. H. P. Alleman has been appointed postmistress at Cottage Hill to succeed W. S. Bosley, deceased.

Cottage Hill, April 22, 1902

The families of A.C. Foster and H.P. Alleman, also Mrs. W.W. Rowe spent Sunday at the home of W.B. Cassell.

Cottage Hill, April 29, 1902

Con Holocker and family visited Mr. Foster and Ida last Sunday.

Mrs. A. K. Cassell of Chicago is expected Thursday of this week. She will accompany Mrs. O. W. Allen home, if the latter is able to make the trip.

Cottage Hill, May 13, 1902

Mrs. A. K. Cassell arrived from Chicago last week and they have gone into housekeeping in Judge Cassell's home.

Cottage Hill May 20, 1902

Bess Cassell is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. W.W. Rowe of Henry.

Cottage Hill. June 3, 1902

Harry Cassell is spending a couple of weeks with his sister Peoria.

Cottage Hill, June 17, 1902

A.K. Cassell and Less Foster, visiting Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Cassell at Granville on Sunday. The entire family are in poor health.

Miss Lulu Foster was the guest of her sister, Mrs. C. Dietch, Sunday.

Mrs. A.C. Foster is quite sick at this writing. Her tending physician is Dr. Taylor of Granville.

Mrs. A. K. and Mrs. W. B. Cassell spent several days in and about Henry last week.

Cottage Hill June 24, 1902

Bessie Cassell has returned from her stay at W.W. Rowes.

Mrs. A.C. Foster has been quite ill for the past week and is but very little better at this writing.

Cottage Hill, July 9, 1902

Miss Etta Cassell and Myrtle Lineham of Chicago, are spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. A.K. Cassell.

Cottage Hill, July 29, 1902

Mrs. H.B. Alleman and Mirtle Linehan called on the family of Harve Allen of Florid, also on Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cassell last Saturday afternoon. They found Mr. Cassell in poor health.

Bessie Cassell and Lena Johnson spent Monday afternoon with H. H. Edwards and family.

Cottage Hill, August 5, 1902

Mrs. A.C. Foster who has been quite sick for two or three months has been quite ill again.

John Henry Cassell of Granville, who has been visiting his brothers, W.B. and A.K. Cassell, for the past week was very ill last night. He has been a very great sufferer from asthma for nearly two years and there seems to be but little help for him.

W.H. Lucas and bride of Hennepin, were calling on the Cassell relatives one day last week.

A. K. Cassell and wife, also Bess Cassell were guests of O. Allen and wife last Saturday.

Miss Etta Cassell and Myrtle Lineham departed for Chicago yesterday morning after having spent several weeks in this vicinity.

Cottage Hill, September 16, 1902

Mrs. W.W. Rowe spent Monday and Monday night at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Cassell.

Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Foster are the proud parents of a nine pound baby boy which came to their home last Thursday night.

Mrs. A. K. Cassell and Bess Cassell spent three days last week with friends in Henry and attended the street fair.

Cottage Hill, October 13, 1902

J.H. Cassell is spending a few weeks with Less Foster and family.

Cottage Hill, November 3, 1902

Ida Foster and father spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mrs. Bosley and family in Tonica.

Mrs. A. K. Cassell was a guest of O. W. Allen and wife Saturday and Sunday.

November 10, 1902

Next Saturday, J.B. Foster departs for Lawton, Oklahoma. He goes with a car of household goods for Mr. Wood of Senachewine and will remain the coming year.

The family of A.C. Foster spent Sunday at the hill.

Cottage Hill, December 8, 1902

Word came last Wednesday, announcing the death of Jennie Dunbar of Atkinson, Illinois. She had been a resident of Putnam County many years ago and no doubt is remembers by the older residents. She was the grandmother of Mrs. H.P. Alleman and Mrs. A.C. Foster. At the time of her death, she was about 96 years old.

Mrs. A. K. Cassell was suddenly called to Chicago last Friday by illness of her daughter, Mrs. Will Hoskins. She will make an extended visit and will be joined by her husband during the holidays.

Cottage Hill, January 12, 1903

Edward Foster who is nearing his 87th year, has been in poor health for several days.

Harry Cassell spent part of the holidays with his sister Peoria, who lives west of Henry.

Cottage Hill, January 27, 1903

W. B. Cassell is buildign an addition to the building recently bought by Will Ford of Mrs. Riese at McNabb.

A. K. Cassell goes to Toluca to work at his old trade for a few days.

Mrs. Cassell remains in Chicago with her daughters but is expected home in a couple of weeks.


Feb. 13, 1903

Front Page - Brief Locals

Mrs. L.D. Cassell entertained the Ladies Aid Society of the Christian church yesterday.


Cottage Hill, February 23, 1903

The youngest daughter of Less Foster is very ill with pneumonia.

Bess Cassell and Allson Foster were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Rowe on Saturday night and Sunday.

Cottage Hill, March 2, 1903

The young child of Less Foster, who was very sick with pneumonia at the home of Charles Deitch, is much improved, so much that the parents removed it to their home last Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Cassell who have spent the greater part of the winter in Chicago and Toluca, have returned to the old homestead.


Mar. 13, 1903

A Youthful Burgler

Jake Cook, who clerks for Cassell, caught a burglar in his employer’s store Sunday. He had occasion to go into the store during the afternoon and while unlocking the door he heard a noise inside. Jake had a suit of clothes and watch stolen the week before, so the noise made his suspicious that all was not as it should be. He began looking for the cause of the disturbance and found a boy about eleven years old hiding behind a pile of boxes. The youngster had been in the store but a short time and nothing was disturbed. He gained entrance by unfastening a shutter and climbing through the window in the back of the store. The boy was taken to the home of his parents and the case explained to them. Mr. Cassell did not want to be too hard on the boy, and when the parents promised to look after him better in the future, he was turned loose.


Cottage Hill, April 13, 1903

Ida Foster visited at the hill, April 2.

Cottage Hill, September 28, 1903

Less Foster and family spent Sabbath with Mrs. Foster's mother, Mrs. Fred Thomilson near Henry.

Con Holocker of Meservey, Iowa, spent several days here looking for a farm on which to move next year. He thinks Illinois is the best place and will return if he is successful in renting a farm.

Elmer Clemens and Gus Foster are building a large corn crib for Simon Beck. We understand Mrs. Sheppard is to have one built also.

Cottage Hill, March 2, 1903

Mrs. Ella Werling (daughter of Edward Foster) of Iowa, is visiting her relatives in this vicinity. Her husband bought a farm in Colorado, where they are moving for the benefit of their health.

Cottage Hill, May 4, 1903

H. H. Edwards and family spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. W. B. Cassell

Cottage Hill, June 29, 1903

Miss Ollie, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Eisenhourer, of Meservey, Iowa, is spending a few weeks with her aunt, Ida Foster and other relatives in this vicinity. She had recently had an attack of typhoid fever and is taking a much needed rest.

Bessie Cassell spent the Sabbath with O. W. Allen and wife of Henry.

Miss Etta Cassell of Chicago comes next Thursday to spend a month with her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Cassell.


September 25, 1903

New Fire Company

The Toluca Fire Company - the old one - was re-organized last Tuesday evening. The Following are the new member: Tim Slattery, G.F. Erdtmann, Orville Stewart, Fred Guibor, James Hines, Paul Anshicks, Joe Gerardo, OA. Scherer, L.D. Cassell, John Foster, A. Cotton and John hines, Jr. The officers are: Joe Gerardo, president, O.A. Stewart, secretary, L.D. Cassell, treasurer.


Cottage Hill, September 28, 1903

Elmer Clemens and Gus Foster are building a large corn crib for Simon Beck. We understand Mrs. Sheppard is to have one built also.

Hennepin, January 13, 1904

W.H. Lucas, who accompanied Mrs. Cassell to the old soldiers home in Quincy, on account of the serious illness of J.H. Cassell, Mrs. Cassell's husband, who is an inmate of the home, returned home last Friday evening. They found Mr. Cassell much improved when they reached him, and when Mr. Lucas left him, he was feeling first rate and considered out of danger.

Hennepin, June 15, 1904

W. H. Lucas has rigged up a very handy cart in which he drives around to light the lamps. It's not to say an artistic vehicle, but it's handy.

Cottage Hill - August 29, 1904

Edward Foster is not well.

Mrs. W. B. Cassell and Mrs. A. K. Cassell are visiting relatives in Toluca. They accompanied A. K. Cassell's daughter Mrs. Hoskins, who has spent her vacation here and who was on her way to her home in Chicago.

Harry Cassell visited his sister Mrs. W. W. Rowe of Henry last week.

Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Cassell and daughter, Mrs. W. J. Hoskins, Mrs. W. B. Cassell and Bess, Mrs. W. W. Rowe and daughter, were visitors at the home of H. P. Alleman last Saturday.

Mrs. W. J. Hoskins of Chicago, who has been spending the last four weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Cassell, returned to her home Tuesday. She was accompanied as far as Toluca by her mother, where they will visit the family of L. D. Cassell.

Hennepin, May 25, 1905

J. H. Cassell from the Soldier's Home in Quincy has taken a furlough and will visit a few weeks with his wife and children to Hennepin and Granville.

Hennepin, Wednesday, January 31, 1906

Edward Foster, an old time resident near Strawn's church, was buried at Florid last Sunday. He was about 88 years old.

Front Page, February 7, 1906

Foster - At his home south of Florid, Friday, January 23, 1906, Mr. Edward Foster, age 88 years, 1 month and 29 days, passed peacefully to rest. Deceased was born in South Hampton, New York, November 27, 1817. Came to this state at an early date, and was married to Sara Ann Cassell of Florid, Putnam County, Illinois, March 19, 1857, who preceded him to the better world, April 8, 1893. To this union were born nine children, 5 sons and 4 daughters. All of whom were present at the funeral except one daughter, who was unable to be there. The funeral took place at the church in Florid, Reverend H. Bell, conducting the services and was attended by a large concourse of bereaved relatives and sympathizing friends.

Hennepin, Wednesday, April 11, 1906

E. G. Henning and family of Granville, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. John Henning in Hennepin. E.G. was putting a new roof on the Hill residence, besides other repairs and Mrs. Henning and children came along to make a visit.

Hennepin, Wednesday, July 18, 1906

W. H. Lucas, wife and baby are visiting with E. B. Barmore and wife in Chicago.

Cottage Hill, May 8, 1907

Bessie Cassell and Helen Edwards, two of Putnam Counties able instructors in the Public schools were in Hennepin last Saturday taking teacher exams.

Cottage Hill June 12, 1907

Bessie Cassell is spending a few days with her sister Mrs. W.W. Rowe of Henry.

Ida Foster and Mrs. H.R. Morris visited in Tonica last week and attending commencement exercises at that place.

Cottage Hill, August 21, 1907

Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Cassell and daughter, Mrs. W. J. Hoskins, Mrs. W. B. Cassell and Bess, Mrs. W.W. Rowe and daughter, were visitors at the home of H. P. Alleman last Saturday.

Mrs. W. J. Hoskins of Chicago, who has been spending the last four weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

A. K. Cassell, returned to her home Tuesday. She was accompanied as far as Toluca by her mother, where they will visit the family of L. D. Cassell.

Bessie Cassell spent several days last week in Depue, the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. C. Foster


Cottage Hill, October 23, 1907

Mrs. Harrison Murphy, sister of A. K. Cassell, is visiting relatives in Putnam County.

W. B. Cassell and brother, A. K. Cassell, have been visiting their brother Rufus who lives in Carroll County, Missouri. The brothers have not met for years.

Florid, November 6, 1907

Rufus Cassell of Missouri is here visiting his brothers, W. B. and A. K. Cassell of Cottage Hill and John Henry of Granville.

Cottage Hill November 6, 1907

Mrs. W.W. Rowe and daughter visited at W B Casse1l's from Saturday to Sunday

Mrs. A. C. Foster and children of Depue, visited several days recently with relatives here.

W. B. Cassell and A. K. Cassell who visited their brother Rufus in Missouri have returned. They were accompanied home by the brother who is visiting his many relatives in Putnam county. Their brother Henry Cassell of Granville, who is in very poor health, celebrated his birthday last Thursday by inviting the brothers to eat dinner with him. It has been 27 years since the brothers saw each other.



Mrs. W. B. Cassell and Mrs. A. K. Cassell visited Mrs. Rousseau at Landy Boyle's Sunday evening.

W. B. Cassell is doing carpenter work in McNabb.


Hennepin, Wednesday, July 15, 1908

Will Nixon of Chicago, son of the late Frank Nixon, passed through Hennepin last Tuesday on his way to A. K. Cassell's near Cottage Hill where he will visit for a while.

Front Page, Wednesday, July 15, 1908

Joined in Wedlock

While the Record is being printed this afternoon, the ceremony that is to join two loving hearts as one is being performed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Cassell near Strawn's church, about 8 miles south of Hennepin. The contracting parties are Frank L. Glass and Miss Etta T. Cassell, Rev. T. C. Moots of Hennepin performing the ceremony. Further than this we are unable to say at present, but we offer full congratulations and will try to give full particulars later on.

Front Page, Wednesday, July 22, 1908

Wedding Bells

One of the most pleasant affairs on the season occurred at Maplewood Farm, 8 miles southeast of Hennepin, Wednesday, July 15, 1908 at 2:30 p.m. The happy occasion being the marriage of Miss Etta T. Cassell, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Cassell to Frank L. Glass, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glass of Hennepin. The day was an ideal one, not a cloud in the sky and all nature seemed to shower its congratulations upon the happy couple. The marriage ceremony was solemnized on the beautiful lawn in the "shade of an old apple tree". Rev. T. C. Moots of Hennepin performed the ceremony. The bride was dressed in white net over white silk and carried a shower bouquet of white flowers. The groom appeared in the accustomed black. Mr. Henry Hammel acted as best man and Mr. Charles Bishop as usher. The bride was attended by her sister, Mrs. J. W. Hoskins of Chicago as Matron of Honor and Miss Bessie Cassell of Cottage Hill as Bride's Maid. After hardiest congratulations and best wishes, the guests repaired to the dining room where light refreshments were served to 35 people. …. The happy couple departed at 5:30 p.m. for Henry amid a shower of rice and best wishes, Chicago being their destination for their honeymoon trip. They will be at home to their friends after August 1 at Granville, Illinois.


J. H. Cassell, who has been spending several months with his family in Granville and daughter in Hennepin, returned to the Soldier's Home in Quincy, Illinois last Monday.

Cottage Hill, November 3, 1908

A. C. Foster and a gentleman from Depue recently visited Mr. Foster's relatives here.

Mrs. Griesen, sister of Mrs. A. K. Cassell and Mrs. Hoskins, daughter of A. K. Cassell, have returned to their home in Chicago after having visited friends and relatives in this vicinity.


Last Friday, Mrs. Henry Cassell of Granville, accompanied by W. H. Lucas of Hennepin, left for the Old Soldier's Home in Quincy Illinois in response to a telegram stating that Mr. Cassell, who is an inmate of the home, was very low and liable to die any minute. They arrived at the home, Friday night and found Mr. Cassell still alive but very weak. However, before they came home last Monday, he had rallied and was apparently much better.

Front Page, Wednesday, January 6, 1909

Wedding Chimes in Holiday Times

One of the prettiest weddings of the holiday season was solemnized at the beautiful country home of Mr. and Mrs. William Cassell in Magnolia Township, Putnam County, Illinois when their daughter Bessie became the wife of Mr. Chas. H. Bishop at 7:00 p.m., Wednesday evening, December 30, 1908. The short ring ceremony was said by Reverend Henry Brink of Hennepin in the presence of about 50 relatives and intimate friends. Promptly after the appointed hour, Miss Jessie Edwards, cousin of the bride played the wedding march and the bride and groom were attended by Harry Cassell, brother of the bride and Viola M. Bishop, sister of the groom and took their places in a handsomely decorated alcove underneath a beautiful white wedding bell where Reverend Brink performed the impressive ceremony. It was a beautiful home wedding, characterized by simplicity. Mrs. Bishop is a charming girl, highly esteemed in the community where she has spent her happy childhood days and is much beloved by all who know her. She has been a teacher for several years and is currently engaged in teaching at the Strawn school at the home district. Mr. Chas. H. Bishop is a man of sterling worth, who is well known and highly respected in the vicinity where he has resided most of his life. …. Mr. and Mrs. Bishop will be at home January 10, 1909. Their host of friends join in wishing them a happy and prosperous life. One the day following, January 1, 1909, the bride and groom and a number of invited guests were treated to a fine turkey dinner at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bishop of Hennepin Prairie which was very much enjoyed by all. The Record offers congratulations to the happy couple, and also returns thanks for a generous portion of the wedding cake.

Florid, April 21, 1909

Con Holocker who lives on the Pool farm, in the south end of Hennepin Township, was quite seriously injured the first of last week when he was kicked in the face by a horse.


Mrs. J. H. Cassell met with a very painful accident last Thursday while helping her daughter, Mrs. W. J. Lucas with her work about the house. In moving a piece of furniture, she caught her foot and fell, crushing the flesh of her ankle and receiving other painful bruises. Mr. McCormick was called to dress the wound.


John Henry Cassell, who has been at the Old Soldier's Home in Quincy, Illinois, recently returned to Hennepin and he and his wife have returned to housekeeping in the congregational parsonage.

Cottage Hill, November 3, 1909

Bessie Bishop was quite ill last week, but has so far recovered as to be able to accompany her husband to Hennepin to spend Sabbath with his people. Mr. Bishop will farm the area owned by Mr. Eddingfield in the Oxbow next year.

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